September 15, 2008

We Are Going To Court

Today we are going to court at 3:30pm in Butler County Kansas. Judge Hart has agreed to see us on short notice and allow us to file our case. This court date is important for several reasons. First, we need to file our adoption officially in court. This will start a paper work trail that will lead us back home. Second, we need a court official and judge to look over our documentation and once again declare that we are fit and able to take Shiloh. Third, we need to meet the judge and get an interview so that in 30-40 days from now our lawyer can finalize our adoption without us driving back out here. There are other reasons but those are the most important.

So today I woke up refreshed as Steven took the entire evening and night shift to give me a break. I took a Benadryl and went to sleep. I hadn't been able to sleep more than a couple of hours that last few days and it was taking a toll on me. He was a trooper and learned a lot about his daughter in the wee hours of the morning. I am so very proud of him. I took the 5am shift on to let him re coop in the comfort of a quiet room and Shiloh and I watched the Daily Devotional on God TV as well as cranked up the web stream and listened to our favorite IHOP worship leaders. I love just watching her sleep and make silly little faces.

We are all getting ready to go so I have to make this short. She is wearing a cute little outfit, so expect some great pics. Here is one to leave you with.

Shiloh taking a nap on daddy.


Kristi said...

I hope court went really well!

Stephanie said...

Yes, I hope it went well too! She is too cute! Beyond words!