September 8, 2008

Rainy Nights

Our dog Dakota is terrified of thunder storms. She has destroyed many items in our home including but not limited to 2 basement windows (she bashed through them leaving a blood trail for us to clean up), 3 doors, 3 door frames, 1 screen door, 1 fire pit cover, 1 grill (yup our grill is dead), & 1 metal dog kennel, all due to her horrible fear. She kind of goes into this trance when the thunder starts and by the end she is salivating, spaced out, and will stop at nothing to get inside our house. One night we checked the weather and didn't see any storms only to be caught in the middle of one that rolled in from Kansas. That was the night that she busted through our basement windows at the tune of $5o a piece to replace. The doors will probably be around 30 a piece and the screen $50. The door frames Steven can remake for cheap. I will look at the habitat restore for some trim and doors. Maybe I will find everything that I need there for a great deal. It is the stuff that builders and Habitat for Humanity gets when they tear down houses in city. They bring it to one location and sell it to make money for rebuilding. I have gotten some great steals there before. You can find some great things like trim, shutters, cool wood things, awesome old bricks for landscaping, cabinets, and much more. It is a little far away from us so I don't go very often and it is in a shady part of town so Steven is leery of me going alone.

Last night we had a mega storm system that woke us all up. As long as Dakota is near us she isn't very destructive. She is just loud and gets right next to us and starts panting. Steven's side of the bed always seems to be her destination so he wasn't the happiest person last night as she sat next to him and panted for several hours. She also likes to get into the bath tub and lay down during storms. It is so funny. We tend to give her some Benadryl if we know a storm is coming. It really helps to calm her down and our Vet. said that it would be fine. Otherwise we would have to give her something like Prozac to calm her nerves. We are praying that she gets over it before the baby comes. By the way she isn't here yet.

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