September 18, 2008

Our Hide Out

I am still trying to upload the videos from the house in Andover that we stayed at but I will go ahead and share some pics and what our time was like there. The house belongs to our case worker and lawyer who have been married for over 30 years, have seven children, 17 grandchildren and run Adoption Connections of Kansas Inc. which we went through to get Shiloh. After we were discharged from the hospital on the 12th we set out to drive the two hours to Andover where we were blessed to have a free place to stay with meals. When you are writing checks in the amounts of $ 10,000 and $4500, every little penny that you can save pays off.

We got to the house around 4pm on the 12th to meet up with our case worker who gave us the tour and showed us where everything was. As soon as she had gotten us settled she was off again. I am not sure that Joanna ever sits down to rest. The Peckhams open up their home for guest regularly, as evident by the house design. They knew that their house would be full alot so they made sure that there was plenty of room. There were two other couples staying there as well. One couple was waiting for their baby to be born by c-section on the next Tuesday and the other had their baby and were leaving the day after we arrived. We were shown to our room where we wouold spend the next few days staring at our new joy Shiloh, and trying to catch up on sleep whenever possible. It was a nice bedroom downstairs with a big window in one corner. The bed was super comfortable and there was a glider rocker in the other corner. It was a perfect place to get to know Shiloh.

The grounds of their property were stunning. They live on 20 acres out in the country with no houses immediatly near them. They have a couple of ponds and a lake that Shiloh and I took a couple of walks around. We walked, talked, and prayed and Steven joined us some as well. I like when he takes a walk with me because I end up with great wild flower bouquets.

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