September 24, 2008

Shiloh's Day At The Doctors

Today at 10:45 am I took Shiloh for her first pediatrician appointment. I was excited because not only was I going to see how big my little peanut has grown, but also I used to work at this particular office. They have seen many ups and downs with my physical health and also heard me talk about how we were going to adopt someday. Well today I was able to walk through the well baby side and present my beautiful daughter to them. The nurses had been watching the clock to see if it was time for Shiloh to come in and when we arrived everyone was at the check in desk to see her. I had run to Wal-Mart to pic up some yummy photos that I sent via email last night just so that in between holdings people could see a little more of her. I love that you can email Wal-Mart pics and pick them up the next day. Technology can be our friend.
This morning I dressed Shiloh in something simple since she was bound to end up buck naked anyways. A cute little brown and pink poke a dot outfit and off white pants. She was adorable and even cuter in her birthday suit. After she was cuddled somewhere in the nurses area, we finally landed in room # 13, which I had taken many patients to with their little bundles before. It was the biggest room in the office which was nice as we were bombarded with all my nurse friends wanting to see our little joy. She was alert and looking around which made meeting her even more fun. We striped her down after a quick snack and took her to the scales. What was the results you ask....she is getting so big. She weighed in at 6lbs 10oz at birth and 18 in long. Now that whole 18in long at birth is sketchy sometimes as the baby doesn't always want to stretch out all the way and the nurses are using a tape measure. At the office it is a board with a yard stick fastened to it that you hold their head to one end and a little slide that you put their feet to. It is way more accurate.
So here are her numbers:
Wt. 7lbs 1oz , Ht 19 3/4in, Head 13 1/2. WOW!!!!
She grew! 7 pounds, I can't believe it however I see and feel it, she is a totally different looking baby than on 9/11. It is amazing! I am not sure how long those numbers held, since when we got back to the room she pooped and peed all over the bed before I got a diaper back on her. Whoops.
As the doctor came in we joked about her name. When I worked with Dr. Daniels I would joke that we were going to name a girl Mini Cooper so when she walked in she asked where was Mini. She looked over Shiloh with the thoroughness that I remembered and that made me feel really good. It was one of the main reasons that I chose to go there. Shiloh acted like she had done that sort of thing a million times without making even a whimper. I was so impressed with her. We got an excellent report as I expected and got the little princess dressed. More nurses desired her presence in the phone nursing area so after we loaded up the generous amount of formula samples that our nurse Theresa gave us we made an appearance in the other end of the office. I was on cloud nine as my friends talked about how beautiful my daughter was. I was so humbled and thankful, and super blessed. It was a great visit and now that we have one visit to the Dr. under our belt we can have our caseworker come to do a post placement visit and get us one step closer to finalization! Yea!!

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