September 18, 2008

Our Court Day

If you have been following our adoption story from start to finish or if you have browsed some of our previous post, then you know that we have a wild ride. From home study, to match, to funny and frustrating caseworker stories it has been a blessing and a curse that we are reminding ourselves of everyday as we stare into the face of our beautiful baby. It was worth is all. Though my body didn't grow extra parts or nourish Shiloh from egg to out, we have bent over backwards filling out mountains of paperwork, going to interviews, having people scan our lives for errors, and waiting for their approval for us to be parents. God has given us so much grace and provided in ways that we though impossible and on the day we went to court it was not different.

On Monday Sept.15 we got up and I took a little walk with Shiloh around the Peckham's property(our lawyer/caseworker's) and then did some laundry. I was excited and couldn't wait till 2pm when we were to meet our lawyer dressed and ready. I went outside and took a little video of the property and the house, now I just need to figure out how to save it to my computer so that I can post it. As 2pm approached I decided that I wasn't dress enough and changed my whole outfit. Steven gave me a hard time saying that my shirt looked like something I would wear for Christmas. Then I felt like I needed to change but then there was no time. I thought I looked spiffy and after another glance in the mirror I was sure. ;-) First impressions are everything you know. The last time I was in court it wasn't for something that anyone was happy about. This time was much different, PRAISE THE LORD!

We followed our lawyer onto the highway where we learned that he has a little bit of a lead foot. I guess if you know the judge the speed limit is irrelevant, but we were not sure that would hold up for us. Steven did his best to keep up and we made it to El Dorado, Kansas a quaint little town that reminded me of down town Van Buren, Arkansas. We got out of the car and went through the metal detectors. I went first then Steven and of course he sets it off. The first thing I thought of was great, he brought his knife and they are going to lock him up. Anyone that know Steven knows that he always has a knife and they are not flimsy little knifes either. But thankfully he left that at home. As the guard was waving the wand and it was beeping Steven began to undo his belt. Now this is a funny bunny trial and will help you appreciate his OVER cooperation.

On just about 60% of every Onething Conferences that Steven has flown to he always sets off the buzzer. Whether his belt, or change, or just little metallic particles that just happened to be floating in the air next to him, it never fails. They usually just do the wand and tell him to go on, but on a few occasions they have gone a little further. One I happened to witness and it makes me laugh to this day. It was in Laguna, CA. on the way back to KC and o course Steven goes through and alarms are sounding. They put him in this plexy glass box out in the middle of the hall and take all his stuff. After they had checked his stuff they asked him to take off his belt, shoes, and to unbutton his pants. Yup my friends, Steven got the deluxe LAX package. A Hispanic man said in a great Hispanic accent, "I am going to touch you down there, but with the back of my hands". As if that would make it any better. I am just dying on the corner of the hall watching all this and Steven is just gritting his teeth wishing he hadn't wore a belt that day. Well after the frisk down we were on our way and he didn't want to talk about it. Now do you see why he was taking off his belt at the Bulter County Court. ;-)

Well not frisk needed they took his word on the no weapons thing. We went into the county clerks office and our lawyer went to work filing our petition to adopt. He went in the door and out came a very nice clerk to look at Shiloh. Richard and Joanna do around 50 adoptions a year so the clerks know when he comes in that there is a baby close by. She held her and talk with us and I loved showing Shiloh off. She is so sweet and beautiful that it is hard to hide her.
After we filed the petition we went to a waiting room to wait till the court case that Judge Hart was in got threw.

Judge Hart and Richard our lawyer had known each other for 14 years and they do this kind of thing often. Judge Hart agreed to see us on short notice but we were not sure exactly when. We waited about 30 min. which gave us plenty of time to feed Shiloh and change her. Judge Hart is a tall man with a kind smile and he was very pleasant with us. He began reading through our home study while asking us questions. Nothing to hard just general 'are you ready" questions. After the first 15 pages he just started flipping through the papers, looked at us and with a smile said," I try to read through these things because I know you paid a fortune for them." He was referencing our home study that does cost a pretty penny and take about 6 weeks to complete. I told him that it was OK that plenty of people had seen it by now to get our money's worth. He asked if we had any questions for him and after our confident no he signed our final papers. Complete at 4pm on 9/15/08. The state of Kansas now recognized that Shiloh Abigail was indeed a Cooper and ours forever. After signing he stared at her for a moment then turn to Richard and asked if he say the Sarah Palin interview on Fox. Then for the next 20 min. we four small talked about Sarah Palin and what she means to this presidential race. Just like that, funny huh.
After a good ole boys talk on politics Judge Hart asked if we wanted pictures in the Court room to make it official. Of course we took him up on it and below are the results.

<--The Cooper's &Judge Hart.
Richard our lawyer & us.-->


V and C said...

Awesome!! Shiloh Cooper...that's all we need in this world...another Cooper! lol :)

Kristi said...

Yeah! It's official! Shiloh Cooper! Awesome!