September 22, 2008

So What Are You Waiting On?

Wanted to give you a short update on where we are and why we are, where we are. We are still in Kansas, Lenexa, Kansas to be exact. We are staying with a wonderful family that I will be very sad to leave. Last night Steven ordered pizza and then we had family night playing Taboo. It was so fun but the Cooper's surprisingly did not take home the gold. In fact we haven't even taken Shiloh home yet. We are waiting on our paper work to get approved by the state of Missouri, so that we can cross the state line without fear of being charged with kidnapping. It is weird and funny but we feel like outlaws in a way. Steven crosses over almost everyday to go to IHOP, and I went once for two hours to see my dog and go to EGS, but we cannot take Shiloh. It is weird. But this is part of the process and this is what we have to do. Our friends the Bohlenders are also waiting for Missouri to approve their paper work to bring home their little twins Anna and Mercy.
So that is a short post (finally huh!) on where we are and why we are, where we are.


Randy Bohlender said...

Oh man - somehow I missed the memo you guys were still on the road with this deal! And in exotic Kansas! :) (Secret, I prefer Kansas to Florida, hands down...).

Bless you guys - life 'before' seems sort of boring, eh?

V and C said...

Wow...can't believe you guys aren't home yet. I can't wait to meet her. When things slow down for you guys, let us know when we can come visit. I am soooo happy for you guys.