September 3, 2008

Love This Weather

I have to say that as bad as a hurricane is, it sure brought some nice weather to us. This is what I like to call "cuddle weather". Steven and I are cuddle buddies and we take any opportunity to curl up somewhere together. This weather is the perfect excuse as if we needed one, but we flung wide the doors and windows and enjoyed the slow steady rain and warm embrace. He is a great cuddle friend because he is like a little heater and has long arms to totally wrap me up.
I got out my hoodie today along with my sweet Merrell's that I bought at a thrift store barely wore for $3. They are great shoes and I am too cheap to ever buy them new. It was a kiss from God.
Last night was rough for both of us in the sleeping department and I am still recovering. I was hurting but yet I was in that weird sleep state where I was telling myself to get up and take meds. but just couldn't get awake. Steven was having a dream that a huge snake was chasing me and trying to eat me. He said that he was watching it and looking for something to kill it with. For those of you who are just getting to know me, snakes are a thing with me. Here is a brief history:

When I was two years old and living in the country with my family I was bit by a copper head snake and almost died. Since that incident I developed and allergy to snake anti-venom so that there is nothing that I could take for a snake bite should it occur again. That coupled with my mothers fearful warnings of "if you get bit again you could die" as I was growing up, I developed full on panic attacks at not just the sight but at the mention of snakes. In an ironic twist I seem to find snakes are attracted to me and I find them everywhere. I have encountered many in my years, some too close to call and others in a distance. I tend to dry heave, vomit, and have trouble breathing when I encounter them. Oh and I climb onto the highest surface available and scream. Well through prayer I have almost completely been healed from these panic attacks. I still run up on snakes in the oddest places, however I don't freak out as bad.I still dry heave a little however I don't vomit and I am able to keep my senses. Once when I saw a snake in the water at a camping adventure I started hypervetilating and crying in front of tons of my friends and refused to jump off the rock. My hero Jon decided to save me by jumping off the rock onto the snake to try to kill it. He got it away and brought and air matress for me to jumo onto and then towed me to safety. It was sweet but funny that I was 26 and had that kind of reaction. We still joke about it three years later.
So the fact that he say a snake trying to eat me just makes me hate Satan more and wonder at God's ironic spin on that subject in my life. I just trust that God will protect me and believe me I am always on the look out. But after that terrible dream Steven himself couldn't go back to sleep. So this a.m. we slept in and I cleaned the house instead of going to IHOP at 10am. I didn't feel bad about it in fact I felt that I had the liberty to do so. It was a good day all together, minus the pain and nightmares of course.


Kristi said...

God can definitely give us warning through our dreams. Pray over yourself, and get Steven to pray over you for protection from the evil one. Cancel the plans of the enemy before they begin! Shane and I have multiple experiences with these kind of things. We have gotten warnings ahead of time through dreams and now know that we should take them seriously and pray about them! I don't know what this one is for you...but rebuke the plans of Satan anyways!

Somedays are Worth Remembering said...

Thanks Kristi! We are asking for clarification for sure and I had a friend that emailed me last night to tell me that he pulled off the road to pray for me. Something is up, which generally means that a break through is over the horizon.