April 6, 2009

It Has Been A While

I am so sorry for the drag in post lately. Life just zooms past me sometimes and I realize that a week turns into two before I know what hit me. I will update you on what is going on in our home (brief as I can be) and share a couple of videos.

1) Spring sprung only to turn around and dig in for a few more weeks. The weather here is dreary to say the least and cold. We had snow flurries last night. Yuk. Where are my daffodils and spring birds?

2) Grandma and grandpa Cooper were in town this last weekend. That is always a fun time and we enjoy there company. Shiloh always benefits materially as well. A bag full of new clothes and at least a couple of new toys. This time it is a talking story book and a jumper for the doorway. A video of that will soon follow.

3) I went to an OJC meeting (http://orphanjusticecenter.wordpress.com/) where there are really focused on the 2 billion orphans world wide. Now obviously we cannot take in all 2 billion, but as many as we can there are families and support staff being trained right now, here in KC. It is exciting and I am going to jump on some of the training.

3) Easter is coming up. Grandma Chamberlain is making Shiloh her first Easter dress. It will arrive soon and I promise pictures.

4) We are taking our first family flight. We are going to my grandparents house in Tx this coming weekend. I haven't flown with an infant before so if you think about us pray for us. Good thing that there are Wal-Marts every where in case I forget something. If you have any tips let me know.

5) I am growing and learning so much. I feel that I am learning more about myself and seeing that I have a serious need for God. That I am a mess without him. My husband is wonderful and I think that my daughter is the best in the world by far. We have wonderful friends and family that support us and God is so faithful, even when we are not.

SO that is it in a nutshell. Here are some cute videos.

My little happy girl!

I am not a proponent for babies in front of TVs, but someone gave us this praise video for babies and Shiloh loves it. Steven let her watch it while making himself some dinner.


Kristi said...

I'm so glad you posted video! She's so cute!

I have been thinking about you lately! You made it into an interesting dream I had recently!

Stephanie said...

You have one of the cutest babies I have ever seen! She's so sweet!