March 23, 2009

Michael Phelps Watch Out!

Shiloh loves her bath time and always has. I think that she will carry on our family tradition and love the outdoors and all that it has to offer. When I was growing up I was a competitive swimmer, year round for 7 years. I loved it so much and it helped me in more ways than just keeping in shape. I learned discipline, self-esteem, team work, and I loved the fact that I did something that not many people in my town did. I was pretty good, but lacked the speed that it takes for a swimmer to be great. Part of that was due to my "dwarf" size. Long arms and legs are key in the water and well I just didn't have that. Anyways...
I got Shiloh a little baby boat for the pool thinking that I would get her used to the idea now, so that when summer rolls around she would be all set to take to the open water and not be afraid. I have been running water over her face to get her used to it and she seems to not mind it that much. Well I think that she is really getting to love her baby boat. Today she was kicking her legs up and down and in the frog position and moving the boat all by herself. Granted we are working in the tub where her feet can touch. ( I know that she isn't ready for the Olympics, not yet anyways) It was so cute that we took a little video on Steven's phone. She only does it a little while the camera is on her, but you get the idea.
Introducing Shiloh Abigail Cooper, Next great Olympic swimmer!


Kristi said...

Awwww....she's so cute! Makes me want to squish her =)

Stephanie said...

She is so cute!! Go Shiloh go!

Annette said...

That's my girl! Dual action tub. Paddle boat practice and bathing at the same time.