March 5, 2009

You Are The Rose

Today was a lovely day. The weather was good enough to eat, at 75 degrees I felt like a kid again. I got out a summer dress for Shiloh to wear and some flip flops. She was adorable. I dawned a skirt and flip flops as well and we hit the neighborhood for a little walk. We walked to IHOP also and went to Steven's noon set in the prayer room. As I was pacing my little angel drifted off to sleep and Laura Hackett began to sing the song "I Am The Rose" by Tim Riehmer. I was singing looking at Shiloh and realizing the message of the song. I am a rose to God. I am a fine spring day in the midst of a world of gloomy forecast. I am the one that He came to die for. As the song continues it says that there is going to be a wedding, that is the reason that I am here; to marry the Lamb. I realized once again that my life doesn't always reflect that reality. I do not live as though my primary reason for existence is communion with God. How selfish and lustful I am in the face of such a high calling. I live differently than most. Very simple without many ties to this world or comfort. Yet still is my heart on fire or is my life just a symbol of a message not fully sunk in?
Jesus said that you many speak with the tongues of angels, yet don't have love you are nothing. I felt the sting of that today in the prayer room, yet I felt the balm of grace as I thought of the scripture in Song Of Solomon.... I am dark but lovely. Yes my heart is full of things and weeds that block out the light of God, yet there is also a yes and still the sting of conviction causes me to react. I am not dead to self fully, but my flesh has felt the push of a heart that is willing. My war is not over and my walk is not finished. I am not disqualified because I am not standing on the edge of a cliff ready to die for my faith.
I am still His favorite one. I am still the lily among thorns. I am still one that He calls His own.
God help me to again seek you with all of my heart. Give me grace to war against those little foxes that steal my time and my desire for more. Encounter my heart and let me feel the sting of conviction even more. Father I desire to be a Rose that has the fragrance of Christ. Make me more like You.

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