April 8, 2009

Well We Are Ready

I printed off our boarding passes already so we are almost ready to walk on the plane. I love doing that the night before, because you get a better boarding time and on Southwest you sit anywhere. So the quicker you board the better seat. Tonight I realized that it didn't matter this time, because the call for people with infants first anyway. Yeah! Before we board the plane we have to get a baby verification document for Shiloh at the counter before she is "secured". All we have to do is to show her birth certificate and wa la, she will be an "unofficial" passenger. We didn't buy her a seat so she is in tow.
I am mostly packed minus a few last minute baby needs. Today before work I was trying to think of a way to get her little activity mat in the suitcase. Tonight when I get home from work I will have to finish packing somethings, clean up a bit, re-check my luggage ( I always pack it twice to make sure) and then pray that I can get some sleep before 6am rolls around.

I am not so worried about Shiloh on the plane now. I think that the worry of the upheaval to her schedule for a week has taken the previous worry slot. Waking up earlier, sleeping in a strange place, driving a lot, etc.. this could wear on any ones nerves. Lord help my little beauty adapt well, to be flexible and to not get germs....amen.
If you think about us, say a little pray for me, we may need all of them that we can get. :-)
Till I have Internet access again, ta ta


Kristi said...

Have a wonderful trip!

Nanci Craig said...

just want you to know - I am praying :-)