October 20, 2008

An Opportunity To Give & Receive

My friend Tracie who happens to be our adoption guru, is knee deep into her second adoption. Their family is trekking into uncharted waters as they adopt internationally specifically for a boy with down syndrome. I am so excited for them as well as so grateful to her for all that she does. She helps families everyday through her adoption consulting business and brings little ones to their forever family. She is honest, hard working, smart and kind. Her kids are amazing and way to talented for their own good. I am shocked and so would Obama be at the distribution of talents into one family. :-)
Nick their oldest son is an amazing photographer and has decided to put those talents to use for his families adoption. He is offering photo sessions to families and individuals for a minimum donation of $75. All the proceeds go towards their $20,000 dollar adoption cost and you receive a cd with all your photos. If your donation is higher, well there are more items in your package. I think this is a great idea and I know that you will be satisfied with the pics that he takes. Go to http://tracieloux.blogspot.com to see how you can schedule your session and help bring home little Aiden.


Tracie said...

THANKS Kristi!
and Thanks for the blog makeover too! I can read it!!! YEAH!!!!!

Somedays are Worth Remembering said...


No prob. Thanks for being honest. I would have never known. Oh and I am going to try to post shorter too.

Kristi said...

It sure is much easier to read! That's nice!

Though I must say...I love your detailed posts! They are fun for me to read!