October 9, 2008

I'm Still Here, Just Super Busy

Friends- Forgive me for ignoring you for a few days. Life has been crazy and it is flying by so fast I can barely catch my breath. I went to Arkansas this last weekend for my 10 year high school reunion, to see family and friends, and for my mother-in-law to throw us a baby shower. It was a great time seeing old friends and I loved meeting long time friends of Steven's family as they showered Shiloh with gifts and attention. It was the first time that Steven's family had seen Shiloh and I think she left them with flutters in their hearts. I will down load my pictures and post them hopefully tonight. I got to see my parents and had ice cream with a dear friend, that has walked many long roads with me and is now on one herself. I drove down there by myself, which means that I played single mom for a weekend and I got to hand it to single moms. They are champions!! I was so tired and had to leave at 5am on Sunday due to having to work that morning in Kansas City. As soon as I drove up in my driveway I got called into work. I had to drop off Shiloh with Steven and then go straight to work at 10am after driving 4 1/2 hours. It sucked! I came home and in my exhausted state I laid down with Shiloh and totally slept till around 4:30 pm. The bad part was that I was still on call and missed three phone calls from work. God is good to me though and my boss just sent someone else in knowing that I must have been asleep or something. When I called to ask forgiveness she just said it was OK and asked was I still coming to the baby shower. Yup, another baby shower for Shiloh. My boss is an amazing woman of God and wanted so badly to throw me a shower at work for Shiloh. Two showers in less than 72 hours is funny and almost excessive. But I am so blessed and feel that my baby is super favored of God to receive so much love and attention. So that was all between Friday and Monday. Saturday while I was in AR. our friends from Canada came to our house to stay for a week. I had never met them face to face but read their blog as do they ours. They had followed our adoption story after meeting Steven at last years Onething Canada, and found their hearts stirred. They gave generously towards Shiloh's adoption and are now here getting to love on her. It is awesome! I love getting to know them and wish that they could stay longer. I have had to work this whole week so I feel that I haven't spent much quality time with them. I am actually at work right now, taking a little break to catch my readers up, then I have to get busy as I was left in charge while my boss is in Uganda, Africa tending to the orphanage that she runs. There are a lot of little things that add up when you are left to fill big shoes. I came into work to find the nurse that was on for days left already and I knew nothing of what was going on. The clinic for the pediatrician that was supposed to be done at 8am this morning is still sitting on the floor with scripts that I need to have signed. There is a clinic with the psychiatrist going on and people are paging for the nurse. Not to mention I need to get the heights and weights on 50 kids, all while tending to the little ones that get scraps and bruises. Work is great but I talked to my boss the other day and we are working on a different schedule for me. 8 hours four days a week is so long to be away from Shiloh right now, and though Steven is turning out to be a super dad, it is a stretch for him as well. I can't really do anything until we finalize Shiloh's adoption because right now if I shift hours I will loose her insurance and that is a no, no in the world of finalization. So for now we are here and this is that. Pray for us if you get a chance.

So I have been a little busy and cannot believe that it is Thursday. Any free time that I have had I have taken little naps to try to catch up on sleep. The latter part of the week Steven has 6am sets so I do the night shift of feedings with Shiloh. Last night she was restless and I finally got her to sleep around 1am, afterwards she had mercy on me and slept till 5:30am. Thank you Jesus. So I will write again, love you all!

1 comment:

V and C said...

I am sorry you have been so busy! Can't wait to see more pictures of Shiloh. Take care! Carla