January 8, 2010

I Haven't Forgotten You

I know it has been a little while since I posted, but I am having a hard time catching up to life. I started a post on looking back at 2009, but never finished it after we attended the memorial service of a dear friend and amazing man. It was a very emotional day and I have been reflecting on it ever since. I find myself pondering this excellent man's life and wishing to be more like him. In the midst of all life we find the little things really do matter the most. How we love Jesus when no one else is looking and how we pour out love on those we hold dearest. What people think when we are gone is nice, but it is how we live that fuels those affections. How we challenge, how we love, and how we serve. This man's life reflected each of these in the most excellent of ways. He cherished and loved his family well and it showed in their mourning and in their joy.They honored him with such devotion that you left that place knowing more about him because of their love. It was inspiring. I can say that every time I was with him I walked away wanting more of what he had. Even in his death I still wanted more. His spirit and vision will live on in those he lavished it on. He will surely be missed.

In an effort to update you on our life I will try to get to the point and hit the highlights. I will fill in the details later. So here we go....

Christmas was mostly spent with Steven's family, plus throw in a little stop at a friends house and my parents for breakfast that pretty much sums it up. Shiloh was showered with love and toys, way more that she needed. I mean the toys not the love. We came back to KC just in time for more snow, and then more cold weather. Yeah! Once back in KC there was no slow entry, I went straight to work the day that we got in and I feel like I haven't stopped. I still work at the children's home Mon-Wed 3-11pm, but now I also work at a hospital in surgery on thurs and fri. from 7a-7p. Let me tell you it isn't a cake job. I work my tail off.

So where were we....Oh yes, so Steven went to police academy orientation and man he got an ear full. Yesterday was his first official day and today was what they refer to as "hell day". Imagine police officers yelling at you as you do push up after push up, after push up, telling you to just quit and go home. Well it didn't stop there. It was three hours of grinding PT and 5 students quit. Steven said there were about three times that he thought about quitting. I would have kicked his butt all the way back had he quit. He came home with severe carpet burns on his knees and as sore as if he had a wreck yesterday. I sent him to bed with 800 mg of Ibuprofen and 60mg of muscle relaxer. He should sleep fine tonight. :0)

Shiloh is doing well. She has been going to our friends house during our working hours and she seems to really like it. If we could afford it we would take her there all the time. However in true "God fashion" I have a praise report. God has provided for us to have someone live with us to take care of Shiloh in exchange for free rent. Her name is Talia and I will introduce her to you at another time when I can do her justice. I think that it will be so wonderful and I am so thankful that I don't have to drag my little lamb out in the cold at 6am anymore. Talia will watch her while I am at work until Steven gets home. It is the most perfect situation I can think of.

I cannot really think of much else other than I am so grateful! I am so grateful that I have a roof over my head and I am warm when so many are not. I am thankful that though 44hours is long and I feel every minute of it, I know that I have a jobs that will get us through this next season. I am so thankful!! Steven and I are in such a season of transition and I feel that in starting this New Year transitioning to what God has in store for us is a new beginning. The hill is steep that we must climb and the hours are long and tiresome, but the outcome is glorious and I can't wait.


1 comment:

Kristi said...

Yeah for new beginnings! Yeah for praise reports and yeah for someone in-house to watch Shiloh! Sounds like it's a challenging season but it sounds like you've got vision and excitement for what lies ahead! Awesome!