January 16, 2010

Haiti Update 2

Well here we are and I will try to be brief. CRI is unable to take anyone that has not taken their training. So therefore that leaves a gap for those medical professionals that wanted to go. Plus they have choosen to go to a different part of Port-au-prince then we normally work in and so this morning as far as I know, James has gone on to look his family and assess the need for help in that area. This is the area that we always work in. I should hear back again from James and Jen on what, where, when, and how.

I have about 7 nurses and a doctor that I am in contact with about going soon. We are gathering supplies and getting in contact with people. As soon as I hear from James and Jen I will know how to prepare more and when we will leave. So if you are a medical professional and want to help contact me. If you are wanting to give to Haiti in a specific way then contact me. We are going to be helping in a very specific location and then as we can with the resources that we have we will begin to move out more. Please pray for saftey and for financial resources to come in.


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