January 12, 2009

Update On My New Years Resolves

Well... I am two weeks into my liver cleanse and started by juice fast Sunday. I feel better, yet tired for good reason. My in laws are coming in town this weekend so I am going to cut it a little short for their sakes. I feel that I am motivated and can move forward with the food routine even though I wont have a full three weeks under my belt.

I started to de-clutter my home and made it through several closets and got rid of tons of stuff. My hall closet has never looked so bare. That's good because now I can store some of Shiloh's bigger items that she got for Christmas.

On a sad note our dog Dakota ran away on Saturday. Steven let her out to potty and she jumped the fence in like 5 min. He heard her and ran to get her but she took off. This isn't the first time but she always comes back. We looked for her but no trace anywhere. It is very likely that she was picked up by someone and I hope taken to a good home. She is a pure bred White German Shepherd so it is unlikely that she is left to wander the streets. We have left the fence gate open and hoping to see her again, but I doubt that will happen. So today I was sad after waking up and not seeing her on her mat at my feet. I hope she is well.

That is my little update and I hope that everyone is doing well on their New Years resolutions!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I'm sorry to hear Dakota ran away! That's sad!