January 15, 2009

My beautiful little girl turned 4 mo.s on the 11th of this month. At our check-up the nurse practitioner said that she was pretty near perfect. I think so, but it is nice to here the professional opinion on the matter. She weighed in at 13 lbs and 2 oz and a woping 23 1/2 in. She is a little short but that will come in time. She is trying to crawl, drooling everywhere, laughing and squealing so loudly. She wakes us up in the morning by reciting her latest poem entitled "Ghooo...oooo...Ghooo" as loud as possible. Some mornings it is hilarious and we just snicker .Other mornings she starts a little early and receives a pacifier.She still sleeps in her bassinet in our room. I like having her near and it is very convenient. When I get her up in the mornings, (rather when she wakes me up) we sing and I feed her in bed with me. She is so cute when she is waking up and stretches like she's been cooped up in a box all night. She just sits there eating and every once in a while she looks right at me, smiles, and half way laughs. It could be my morning hair or maybe she adores me as much as I do her.
I love it though. She is so full of joy and smiles. When I have music on she just sings and makes all kinds of noises. I tell her that she is my little song bird and to keep singing. She still hates being on her stomach though. She will just throw her arms out and start screaming. I am not sure if it is uncomfortable or if she is just frustrated. Maybe a little of both, but I try to have her there for at least 10 min. a day. She calms down a little after a while. I figure it can't hurt. She has good arm and head strength so I don't force more than that.

She is so amazing and we are blessed everyday with her. Steven takes videos of her and sends them to me at work. I just melt. He usually post them on Facebook for those interested in seeing a million pictures and videos of her. She has him wrapped around her finger for sure. He is so tender with her and I love seeing them develop their own relationship apart from mom. Steven is very "lucky" to be put in the position of care giver everyday. Some dads never fully engage in the baby stage and Steven has been immersed in it, as I went back to work when she was three weeks old. It was God and He is tenderizing our hearts so much. This little one will grow up very different than we did, in every way. We have had a couple of conversations with her birth mother since the birth. All very positive and it seems that she is doing well. Still grieving loss a little, but very happy about how things are. I am glad to keep the channels open.

My big girl sitting up on her own.
She is very strong!


Stephanie said...

Oh goodness, she is so cute! I'm glad to hear you guys are doing well! Sounds like you have a really sweet spirited, happy baby on your hands : )

Tracie said...

such a big girl!

Kristi said...

She is so sweet! I love her round, adorable head! And sitting up already! Way to go Shiloh!