April 1, 2008

It's Here!!!!!

It is finally here! We have our home study after much prayer, confusion, and hand holding by our consultant. We finally have the document that propels us forward. This is a huge relief to us as well as the key that can unlock more finances, and coupled with our profile, birth mother's will choose us from it. This process has been lengthy in comparison to some, but relatively quick considering that we officially started in January. I have been a little on edge about it, due to the seeming never ending questions and "one more thing" type emails. It is typed, at my house, and ready to be sent out. I have filled out the first of the agency applications and we are hopefully going to send it all out on Thursday. I am so excited!! We are finally doing it. We are approved and out of the "maze". What a relief!

We have been looking with expectation at some babies that we will submit ourselves to. Once we send off the paper work it will take the agency around a week to process us and get back to us. Then we will ask our profile to be given to a specific situation. It is in the Lord's hands and has been from the beginning. The seed of adoption that the Lord planted in our hearts, that has sprouted and is now just barely above the ground is being tenderly nurtured by His perfect faithfulness. Pray that the Lord's perfect will for us would be done without delay. Pray for our destiny! Thank you for standing with us through this process. Bless you and keep praying!!!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

How exciting! We pray God's perfect Will for the process and the addition that will be joining your family! Shane and I are excited for you guys!