April 20, 2008

We Are Going To Have A Garage Sale!

Well it is that time where people will wake up at the crack of dawn, grab a paper, and head out to strangers houses to look through their "junk". My mother always says that "one man's junk is another man's treasure". Well then I have quite the assortment of treasures and I bet you do to. So in order to help those looking for treasure and those looking to dispose of junk I propose a garage sale.

Steven and I still need about $6,000 for our adoption, so we thought we'd do a garage sale and see if we couldn't hack away at that amount. So if you live in the KC area and have stuff that you would like to donate to a worthy cause consider my driveway as an alternative to the thrift store. My garage sale will be May 2ND-3rd. I will be collecting stuff all the way up to the night before and will even come and pick it up if you need. I have made some good money at garage saleing and they are fun to. We had a multi-adoption family garage sale a few weekends ago, however we all decided to give the proceeds to another family that was in need with their own adoption. This sale however will go 100% to our adoption. So open the closet doors and see if there is anything that you would like to see gone and we'll do the rest.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Aww....we'd get some stuff together to donate if we lived a little closer =) I guess Canada is a little too far away!