April 19, 2008

It All Comes Down To God

I want to thank you all for your prayers and comments. We feel loved and lifted by your care. We are learning a great deal about ourselves and also about the struggles that adoptive parents face. We are in that tug of war, where we must decide what our future looks like and how to implement that. We don't want to be picky, but we want to set boundaries on our options at the same time. We don't care what people think about us, yet we want to hear input. It is a tug of war and the fear is that our little hearts will fall in the mud. It all sound so metaphorical, but it is overwhelming. The emotional strain that this process can put on a person is weighty. I have to keep going back to the truth that it really all comes down to the Lord. He is our Father and we trust His leadership. Our problem is that through the emotional chaos it is hard to hear Him clearly. Our heart and mind say one thing and we are leaning in to hear what our spirit is saying.

I am feeling overwhelmed and pressured in light of recent phone calls from agencies. I want to have peace and clarity and not to worry about anything else. Oh Lord help us not to get lost in this, but to find more of You and more confidence in Your plan for us. I am sure that it isn't so complicated for others, or maybe it is. I am a pretty transparent person and tend to take things to heart. So I guess I am doomed to complications in my own mind.

I am glad that we have friends, family, and the people who have checked into our blog and left encouraging comments to walk along this journey with us. Can you even imagine the day when you type in our blog site and there at the top of the page is a picture of the most beautiful baby that you have ever seen and it's last name is Cooper!!! I cannot wait for that day, can you?

1 comment:

Kristi said...

It will be very exciting to see the picture of baby Cooper! What a difficult process. Way to lean in and listen for His leading!