April 22, 2008

What Is Up With Baby Stuff

It is funny to think that in two months we will have a house full of little baby socks and toys, and stepping over piles of little laundry. I cannot tell you how surreal it is when you don't have any outward reminders. (i.e. like a pregnant belly) No matter how odd it seems, the fact of the matter is that it is closer than we think. I have already started to register for items that I know that I need at Wal-Mart.com, Target.com, and Toys-R-Us. Some things I may never use, but as a first timer looking at all this foreign merchandise I think I did pretty well. The hard part is not knowing what the gender of our baby will be. We are starting to feel a particular one pressing on our hearts, but truly only the Lord knows what our future holds. We are open, and open we will stay. I don't want to ruin the moment of hearing my babies gender by having built up false expectations.

I am shocked and surprised at how this process has gone and how quickly it will come to a close. You can read as many books and listen to a million adoption stories, but your own will be a journey that you will write and it will separate you from normal life forever. We literally could have a baby by the end of May and early June, I cannot even fathom that. I am still praying that God would work in my heart that surety of "that is my baby". I want to know without a doubt when I get the call. Many women take a test and wait to see a + or a -. I am waiting on a phone call to say "yes, submit us", or "no". You cannot even know what a hard decision it is to make. What is my criteria for my decision? What will people think of me? What will our family say? I cannot explain the emotions that surge through your heart when you hear a voice on the phone say "we have a situation that we want to present to you". O Lord help us and give us peace knowing we are in Your hands.

I know that several of our friends both here in KC and back home want to throw us baby showers to prepare for our "mini Cooper". I am looking at my calendar and trying to figure out when all that can transpire. Please be patient as I am still trying to wrap my head around this monumental, life altering reality. We love all our friends, family, and blog readers. You are helping us with your comments and prayers. Thank you!

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