April 7, 2010

Shiloh's Story

Several months ago we were approached to tell Shiloh's story via pictures and the web to promote positive alternatives to abortion. We said yes and had a photo shoot and video made. We just saw the finished product and it is very sweet. There are many people out there that have been saved by God's grace and their stories are very compelling. I am so glad that we were able to be apart of this and I hope that Shiloh's story will touch many and change their hearts towards life. Before Shiloh was born God gave me a word that Shiloh would be one that would project the Father's presence to everyone that comes in contact with her. I pray that as people look at her picture and read her story that the Father would come through it and melt away the shame, anger, terror, and uncertainty. That He would replace all that the world would throw in their way with grace and joy that He will provide for them. Pray that this website though not outwardly religious (though it was birthed in the prayer room) will touch many and save thousands.


1 comment:

V and C said...

Wow!!! Love the pics!! You guys look great!