November 18, 2009


Man I am really posting lately or so it seems. Today was one of those days that I think is worth remembering because God saved my life. For real saved it from possible death or Steven's death. Here is the tale........
Steven got the truck inspected last week and it failed because of some kind of gasket thing. The auto place told him that it would cost $600 to fix it. (Well, just put that on our tab, I thought when Steven told me.) So Steven spent all of this last weekend taking the engine apart trying to fix it. When he finally got to the part that needed to be changed, there was a stripped screw that prevented him from going any further. I felt so bad for him because of the labor that he spent for nothing. He had the truck jacked up and the engine out. It was not such a happy day. So one of his friends told him about this place in Harrisonville, MO. that would probably pass us no problem. [Now this gasket thing isn't that big of a deal but will eventually need to be fixed. We are not trying to be unsafe.] Harrisonville is about 25 min south of KC and the appointment was at 8:30am this morning. All good and fine unless you just got home at midnight from a stress filled day at work and your daughter thought it was mommy /daughter hang out time. Anyway, I got up early and we were out the door by 8am. As we were driving I felt that the truck was a little shakey but chalked it up to the gasket thing and that I don't normally drive the truck, so how would I know. I got to the Harrisonville auto place and he quickly put the truck up on the rack. Then he calls out "does your husband have a large insurance policy?". For the love...what now? I said I don't know and he called me into the back part of the shop. He asked " when was the last time this front tire was off?" I told him this weekend and he shook his head. "Well you are lucky!" He then started to shake the tire and it almost feel off the truck. " Mam you forgot to tighten the lug nuts all the way. You could have had a serious accident". My heart just about fell on that garage floor. Here I was with my little lamb at 8am driving 25 min on the hwy with a half on tire. I called Steven and let him know what happened. Of course he felt terrible about it and said that he must have been so distracted. Well praise GOD that Heaven wasn't!!!!
The mechanic finished the inspection and tightened all the lug nuts to be sure. We passed!! That means that we wont have to figure out how to pay someone $600 that we sure don't have, or how to make it with just one car. Oh thank you Lord!!!! Spared my life and our wallet. Now that is mercy.

Just another day in the life of a Cooper.


Kristi said...

Far too much drama for you guys lately!

Annette said...

Your guardian angel was wraped arpund that tire. Been there done that.