(Disclaimer: Starts out rough, but I praise God in the end.)When it rains it pours is an expression we use when people seem to be running into walls everywhere they turn. People get out of one mess and then they land smack dab in another one. The plumbing is messing up in your home, then your roof starts leaking and the saga goes on. Well if that statement holds true then I would have to say that in the Cooper house, when it rains, it tsunami's. We are not just hitting walls, we are having to make them and then run into them. It is a nightmare to think that you are about to breath fresh air only to be shut up in another little cell without windows again. To many metaphors? Ok, here is the raw version.
We are barely hanging in here. That is really raw isn't it. Well you know me, and that is me...raw and uncut. If it wasn't coming up $500 short for the roof, then it was the wrech that Steven was in...in the car with liability only I might add. If it wasn't the car wreck, then it was the court and lawyer fees of $550 that we had to pay. If it wasn't that then it was the plumber that we had to pay to fix something that my husband later told me he could have done. If it wasn't that then it was the $12.00 inspection for the $75 tag renewal that our truck failed for a problem that will cost us $600 to fix. If it wasn't that then it is the fact that my husband has a wrist injury that we are having to get x-rays for and all that comes with Dr. visits. If is wasn't that then it is the fact that Steven will be starting the academy in Jan. and the first 20% is due Dec. 14th.
I know, I know...welcome to the real world. Today I found out by chance that Steven's passport is expired and we leave for our vacation with my family Dec. 7th. That means an additional $149 plus overnight payments to try to get it here in time so that we didn't waste $300.
It sounds like I am complaining and in a way I am, but this is my blog so....
I am really grateful for so many things and God's faithful provision is one of them. Here let me share a few of His smiles on us.
The court fees came from our kitchen fund. I nannied for a family while they were away and saved the money for our kitchen. When we needed the money for the wreck and court fees we used that money I had saved. That is sad since we have been without a fully working kitchen for about a year, but you can live without a kitchen. The wreck could have put points against Steven's license and then he couldn't have gotten into the academy. But the lawyer got it reduced and so he did get in. Thank you God. It sucked to have to pay that amount, but in the long run I try to look at it as an investment.
The plumber was a nice Christian man so I feel good about paying, even though I was nauseous as I wrote out the check. I feel that since he talks about his faith a lot that we are putting into the kingdom some.
The truck...well I am not sure yet because we just found out, but I know that God will help us one way or another.
The passport...we thank our friends way up North and God. They left us a generous gift as friends and for staying with us. That money will go to expediting Steven's passport. I need all of your prayers to help it get here by Dec. 4th!!!! In hind sight I wished I would have waited till next year for our family vacation, but I didn't know that we would be in this state right now so there is no sense in crying over spilled milk now. Just clean it up as my mom would say.
(DB- we haven't forgotten you guys...we will p.y.b!)The 20% for Steven's academy...it will be a God thing.
Steven will attend Mon- Fri from 8am-5:30pm which means that he will have to quit his job. OUCH! I have been looking for another part time job to help out, but have been coming up short. Then He kisses us again! A friend of mine that I helped get a job when she moved here called me the other day. I had been searching for another part time job and she said that my name came to her three times that day. The hospital that I used to work was hiring surgical scrubs again and would I be interested? So I called and I am praying that they will give me an interview tomorrow. This will hopefully help us get Steven through the academy so that in May he can get hired on at a department. You are probably thinking "wow, why are you excited to work two jobs".. I am not.... are you crazy? But that is what has to be done. At least it is good pay and I know it already. I scrubbed in surgery for three yrs before moving here and I love it. My endometriosis is why I quit. Now that God is healing me I am not having near as many symptoms and can stand for long hours. I praise Him twice!!
It will be hard for the next couple of months, but we are no stranger to that. The ultimate goal for our family is to open our home to those who have none and for Steven to work with investigating human trafficking. This is just the road that we have to take to get there.
Seasons come and go and with each one we learn a little more. This season has been so rich in so many ways and so poor in others. But no matter we have lived, learned and are loving every minute growing as a family. Thank you Jesus that you know us and guide us through the hard times and dance with us in the good! If you think of us say a little prayer.
Thank you for reading this blog!