June 16, 2009

On A More Serious Note

This is random so just be warned.
I haven't really written anything serious, other than the post of Shiloh that are seriously cute. But in all "seriousness"... I have much on my mind and was wondering if anyone else was thinking that same things. I read other blogs here and there and sometimes I read things that stir me and I think in my head "yeah me too." Like the other day as I was reading a fellow mother's post about how motherhood is a death to self. Man alive that is an understatement and I only have one child. Motherhood is death101 and continues into master degree level with every child. Areas that you thought you had grasp on only resurface in the most surprising ways when you child start waking up at ungodly hours of the night or morning. Ideas of how your life will be like quickly whisk out the window when you bring in baby schedules and your so called spontaneous lifestyle dies like tulips in late spring. All that is left are the unattractive stalks that later are cut away. Don't misread me here for the death is a sweet surrender as you come into the realization that this death is unto new life. Not only are you breathing in the Sermon on the Mount (for sanity and for saintliness) but you are also preparing the soil of your children for your greatest sermon called "everyday life in God" by Me,Your Mom. We are the ones that will teach them to pray, to read the Word, to listen to God's voice and how to handle situations. That will take all of God in us and therefore He has to rid us of all that is not Him. So when I read her blog I was so stirred that I resolved myself to die faster. Now having said that... dying faster is not as easy as I thought, since I thought I was more surrendered than I am. :-)

Then I read a post by a brilliant friend about the pro life movement and thought that I would share it with you. It is by Randy Bohlender (randybohlender.com) and it made me want to call tomorrow the get our home study updated and immediately adopt again.
How did we become a group of people collectively professing one thing while denying it with our behavior? I think it is because we’ve grown past traditional pro life approaches to activism. We have our convictions, but we’re probably not the sign carrying sort. We’re angry about the issue of abortion, but we’re not angry at people. We’re dead serious about ending abortion, but we’re not the shootin’-people kind. We’re too convinced to stop voicing our disagreements, but we’re too intellectually honest to do so without providing some proactive response of our own.
If the pro-life movement doesn’t start providing it’s new-found constituency with some proactive responses to abortion, it will squander it’s toe-hold on the wall of debate. We may be a few points up on the Gallup Poll, but if we try and convince our new slim majority to join us in the same old song and dance, we will have squandered what could only be considered divine momentum.
We spent most of 2005 working with what I now understand to be a vanguard of the much-needed New Life movement.
Bound4Life had began a few months earlier as a prayer meeting in front of the Supreme Court and has continued as such. It’s so counter intuitive to normal rational that both pro-life and pro-abortion types have a tendency to misunderstand it. This movement of prayer meetings – not protests – has spread across the nation via hundreds of chapters in nearly every state in the union. Their ‘Think Fast’ campaign challenges high school kids to skip lunch on Fridays to fast and pray for the ending of abortion. Through this movement and other prayer movements, the American church is discovering how proactive prayer really can be.
The New Life Movement must go even further – to answer the legitimate challenges of our critics.
Something we heard a lot while in DC was “If these babies are not aborted….what happens to them? They’re still unwanted!’
Our recent endeavor,
The Zoe Foundation, is another example of the sort of movement that is necessary to engage these newcomers to the Life Tribe. Pledging to adopt children who might otherwise be aborted is a step towards providing an answer to the legitimate question ‘what about unwanted kids?’.
Until the church can pledge to be pro-child, it’s really not pro-life. We’re not challenging people to adopt so they can fill their soccer team out or find another child that completes their set. We want people to adopt as a prophetic declaration to God, Satan, and all those who serve either side that there will be no unwanted children on our watch.
I’m elated that we’ve managed to develop a slim majority in one of the most visceral discussions of our time. I only hope we can turn the tide of newly converted pro-lifers to a life of pro-activism that goes far beyond signs and shouting. This may be our only chance.

Did you read that? I mean come on... I want to rush out and buy a huge house so that I can take them all in. It may be pretty or it may be pretty ugly, but no matter it is God's heart. If I truly want His will to be my food and air than this is it. Is. 58 says it all, James 1:27...really the whole bible. How can we not be active when every child is an image bearer, a dream of His heart....?
So these are two things that I was thinking on and that stirred me. Maybe you are thinking the same thing?

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