I am officially leading my second team to Haiti the last week in August. This will be my third time to Haiti and my second time to Port-au- Prince. We will be teaching/ equipping orphanage workers in Port-au-prince on topics ranging from basic hygiene and infant care to Malachi 4:5,6 and God's destiny for children. This ministry to the orphans is near and dear to my heart and after being in this particular orphanage last year, it is very needed. We are sowing seeds of love, destiny, and practical safety into the next generation and praying for a harvest of revival in Haiti. Haiti is a land filled with beauty and devastation. A land of island culture and African voodoo. There is a long history of Satan worship in the form of voodoo and even child sacrifice. But in all of this we have been seeing seeds turn into blossoms in the hearts of some of the pastors and leaders there and it is very encouraging. On my last trip there we held a conference where we say major healing and repentance and the birth of a small weekend house of prayer. This is huge!!!!
Now as we continue to pray and labor for the fullness of God to be manifest, we are also encouraging those involved with us in Haiti to reach out and put James 1:27 into action in there own country. To sow into the orphans and even to adopt them, to raise them in an environment of loving Jesus and seeking Him with their whole hearts.
I along with a couple of nurses will be focused on training the nannies in the orphanage on basic care of the infants and try to undo some very bad and dangerous habits. We will intermingle all of our teaching with principals of loving like Jesus and speaking life and destiny over these little ones. The others will be focused on praying over each child, holding them, and prophesying. It is going to be awesome and I know that this is heavy on God's heart.
Please join me in praying for my remaining finances ($700) to come in by July 25th. This is for airfare, food and lodging. Also pray for a spirit of revelation, as I am writing curriculum to be taught in other orphanages near by in Port- au- Prince . Pray for my team that we would have God's heart and for health and safety.
If you want to donate please email me at kristicooper@ihop.org