February 4, 2009

Shiloh Needs Your Prayers

Well my little cutie tutti is in need of some prayers her way. We went to Arkansas this last weekend and I think that she picked up a little sniffles. She is so snotty (not in the attitude way) and her little eyes are watery. No fever and I am praying that no ear infection sets in as well. Please pray that God would heal her and that she will not develop anything needing antibiotics.

So Isaiah 53, Psalms 103 and any other personal favorites can be said in faith for our little sniffles if you get a moment.



Kristi said...

Healing in the name of Jesus to Shiloh!

Debi said...

Praying for sweet little Shiloh!!♥ It's never 'fun' when the littles are sick. :( Praying for the Lord to strengthen her immune system and and bring total healing to her! :)