February 10, 2009

Lets Get This Party Started!

My friends, who for now will remain nameless, are in the process of purchasing an adoption agency close by. This is so HUGE I cannot even tell you what all this means. In a nutshell these people are hard core to the bone about adoption and the house of prayer. They are going to be turning the adoption agency into a non-profit ( a real non-profit), which means that when you take the profit margin out of adoption every adoption should be well under $10,000. There will always be legal fees, and home study fees that you cannot get around. But most agencies charge you their fee which is around $10,000 alone. With this agency your fee will be maybe a 1/4 of that. That is phenomenal!!!! Plus they will be able to minister to these women who find themselves in situations that seem hopeless and witness Jesus to them. There is not many places like that and the cream if you will of this cupcake is that adoption will be more feasible for more people like us in the house of prayer. God can do anything and like we have seen in the last year over and over He will. Right now in our local church alone, if everyone in the congregation gave $10-$20 dollars a month towards adoption, we could adopt two babies a month into the house of prayer family. That is amazing and needs to happen. These children need homes and Jesus and we are waiting to give it to them.

So how can you get involved you say?? Simple... You can 1) Pray for all the loose ends to be tied up and finances for the purchase to come in. 2) If you know of a Christian masters degree social worker licensed in Kansas let me know. We need one. Or if you are a masters degree social worker and have been feeling a move coming on, PLEASE consider Kansas! 3) Give.. $5, $10, $50 a month towards adoption. The Zoe Foundation, http://www.thezoefoundation.com/ is a great place to start and is tax deductible. They give adoption grants to people with a heart for adoption and are located here at IHOP. I know them and they are awesome. If you cannot adopt right now, then give. If you want to adopt the first thing that you need to do is get a home study. Find an agency in your town that does home studies and get ready. You cannot move forward without it. And pray for God to pour out the spirit of adoption on the church and on your own heart. It really is important. We are living in a time where our own government is spreading propaganda that contraceptives and more abortions will solve our economic problems. This is a lie straight from hell and smells like the anti-Christ system infusing into our culture telling people to sacrifice their children for the monetary gain of a nation and searing our countenance beyond repair. Pray for the church to wake up and step up. It is not the governments responsibility to take care of the orphans and the widows. We see how they want to handle that situation. It is the churches and it is time that we get our heads out of the offering bucket and into the ball game. Satan is trying to steal away this generation, when we need to be pouring into them the most. Rise up and take a place in the kingdom of God bu serving the generation that will usher in Jesus' return.

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