February 9, 2009

Man Time Flies

Just wanted to let you all know that little Shiloh is much better and all but a little runny nose remains from her sickness. She is back on track and this week were are growing along with her age in our schedule. On Wednesday she will be five months and we are beginning a four hour schedule. So far it has been a little of a stretch but she is a champ. I want to expand her schedule to get her ready to start cereal at 6mo. I cannot believe how time flies. Today is the 9th of February and last year this same day and right at this very hour we were having an adoption fundraiser to help raise money to pay for our adoption. We had not been matched yet and were so filled with expectation and fears at the same time. We had friends come and play music and Tracie Loux and Kelsey Bohlender share about adoption. Fast forward to February 9th 2009 and where is everyone?

~Tracie and John Loux are in the Ukraine adopting not one but two special needs children and should be bringing them home by the end of this month. God touched their heart with their first adoption of Elia their daughter, and now He is taking them beyond what they imagined to a new realm of love. God provided all the finances and $4,000 extra so they said why not get two while we are there? So that is what they are doing. They met their new son and daughter this last weekend.

~Kelsey and Randy felt from the Lord in August to get their home study updated and be ready for the Lord to use them in adoption again. The day after their home study was updated they began a 48 hour whirlwind journey of adopting twin girls from Florida. God prepared them, provided for them, and paved the way. Love was in the air as the Bohlenders were in that Florida hotel after getting their little girls, because they are now expecting their fourth biological child to make their families grand total of7 children.

~Today I got to spend another day with my beautiful daughter that we welcomed into our lives on September 11th 2008. She is the sweetest, adorable, most content baby that I have ever beheld. She has overwhelmed me in that I am lost in love with her. I cannot remember much of my life before holding her for the first time in that tiny little country hospital. I remember so many good things, yet they pale in comparison. All that remains of that life is a picture that Steven and I took minutes before the nurse walked in and asked if we wanted to meet our daughter. She is perfect in every way. There are no words eloquent enough to explain how deep my heart loves this little princess. How my eyes well up with tears as I watch my amazing husband love on his daughter, just how I knew in my heart he would.

Time flies when you are having fun is the saying that comes to my mind. But this is more than fun and more than expanding our family. These people for mentioned are forerunners in an adoption movement. A movement that I pray will sweet over the church. People ask me how many children do I want, and will we adopt again? The answer is as many as the Lord brings to me and yes we will. I want to make my home a refuge for as many as the Lord would entrust us with. It is exciting, nerve racking, trying, and exhausting but worth it all. I would have to say that time flies when you and the Father are having fun!

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