There are so many things in life that I want and every season some of those things change. When you are a child you want to be an doctor, a fire fighter, a teacher. You play pretend games and look at books about your heroes. As a teenager you want to be in love (well the girls do anyways) and you spend long hours trying to change your appearance to get peoples attention. As a young twenty something you are trying to go here and do this and trying to figure out just who you are. Now as I am approaching 30 yrs old soon I find myself wanting something totally different than ever before. I have an illness that thus far has halted fertility. We adopted our first child in September and we have been in heaven ever since. I have longed to have my own children for years and spent much time in tears and prayer over that topic. I look into my daughters eyes and see a whole new world. One of children given the opportunity to live, learn, and love. There are so many orphans in so many places that never receive love, or even physical touch. There are babies in the womb one day and the next they are being ripped apart and suctioned out of the womb through abortion. There are little boys and girls in southeast Asia that are being sold into slavery because their families cannot afford them anymore. There are kids in this city tonight that will go hungry, be molested, and some will even sleep out in the cold. As much as I want to give birth to a child, I find my heart releasing that desire for a new one. If I never bare a child, Lord make my home a house of refuge for the unwanted of the world. Provide the way, and teach us to love as you love. This is what I want.
What I want now is to be a home, to be a mom, to be a voice for these ones. I want to take in as many as God will allow and provide for. I want to see these little ones rescued, restored, and raised in the house of prayer. I want to do whatever it takes to see their live go from destruction to restoration. How.... When.... Where... ??? These are my questions and ones I am waiting to hear the answers from Heaven. I want to surround myself with people that are like minded. People who are giving it all to bring home little ones. From all over the world with all different types of situations. I want to give my money, my time, my life to this.
Our friends the Loux's (both sets) are amazing. Derek and Renae just brought back three special needs boys from the Ukraine and John and Tracie are on their way there now. They just received enough money to bring home not one but two orphans. God is good and God is looking for those who would extend their hearts and homes for these ones. Yes they all need bigger houses. Yes they all need to drive school buses now, but that is nothing in light of seeing three little boys lives change, along with the other children they have adopted. The Bohlender's are finished their new home, affectionately called the "Compound" to house their family of three biological kids and three adopted kids. (Oh and one on the way!) These are the people that inspire me. My daughter is going to grow up knowing that she is special, yes, but that this is normal. She will see so many adopted children, from all over and know that God rescued them all. We love because He first loved us. No distance is too far, no amount is to high (come Lord increase my faith) and no need is too great for the Love of God through His church. If we can partner with Him in this, then He will provide. I see it over and over and have experienced it myself. I have dreams where Steven and I are holding siblings somewhere in Southeast Asia. Snatched from the fire of slave trade to grow in the house of prayer. I want to adopt from the foster care system and I want to give to others in this journey. Lord help re-train my mind, my heart, and my emotions for this. Increase my faith and teach me to see how you see.