June 3, 2008

Mom & Dad To Be

So here is the skinny version of our placement. As many of you know we have been looking at several situations over the last couple of weeks. Some in Oklahoma and Utah. As we were getting our profiles and home studies into these places the Memorial Day weekend crept in and most offices close around that time. So we hoped that we would hear something on Tues. or Wed of the next week. I was in the prayer room on Monday grading the last of my Biology finals and writing comments on report cards when my cell rang. I saw that it was an agency in Kansas that Steven and I had secretly hoped would call. This agency though small really takes care of its birth mothers and is a very low cost agency. So I answered quickly and held my breath to see why Joanna (our case worker) was calling. She said that our profile had been picked by a birth mother and would I like to hear about the situation. My heart just about lept out of my chest. I said yes but then realized that I could barely hear her and immediately went to try to find a quiet place at IHOP to talk. Yeah right... that is like trying to find a needle in a hay stack. I found a corner cuby in the back administration area and asked Joanna to continue. She briefed me on the birth mothers family, marital history, physical description, and the babies due date. She gave me a very detailed explanation of the situation that has brought us together and wanted to know if Steven and I were interested. I wanted to leap across the phone and hug her, because I just felt that this was the one. My heart connected with the young mother and the fact that she picked us and knew in her heart that we were the family to raise this little jewel was touching. I told Joanna that I would have to talk to Steven and I would let her know.

Well, Monday's can be pretty busy for Steven at IHOP and the first opportunity that we would have to sit down and chat would be at 4pm that day. It was only noon on Monday. Oh my goodness...could I wait till 4pm or was I going to explode? I called Steven and told him that we had a situation and that we should talk about it as soon as possible.

Well to keep this skinny...We talked and he immediately said yes. It sounds like what we have been hoping for and lets see what the next step is. So I called Joanna and we scheduled a phone call with the birth mother, Joanna and us for Thursday at 1pm. I was expectant the whole week and could hardly think of anything else. Thursday came and 1pm was our appointment time. 1:20pm rolled by on our clock and I was worried. I called Joanna and as usually she had about three birth mothers in her car taking them to the store. She apologized about the delay and assured us that we were still having the phone call. She dropped them off and we began our call with our birth mother.

As awkward as a call like that could be Joanna was a great help. I of course said the two main things not to say..where we lived and our last names. I was so nervous I was sweating and shaking a little. Fortunately for us this situation is a low risk situation and our birth mother is fabulous. So after about 30 min. we said our thank yous and goodbye for now. It was amazing, nerve racking, surreal, and a little awkward but I will cherish it always.

So now we are ready to sign a contract which is basically saying that we are in this to the end and we agree to pay all the required fees as long as the adoption goes through. Our birth mother emphasized her surety on this decision to adopt, however nothing in life is certain and I want to guard my heart as well. I do not doubt her word, but the human heart is a lion that cannot be tamed. I trust this situation to fulfill all of God's purposed for both parties however that looks. We are happy and excited, yet it is odd to think that in 2 1/2 months we will be instant parents. I cannot describe the odd sensation and thoughts that run through me on a daily basis since talking to our birth mother. I am very proud of her for her maturity and how she is handling her situation. Someday when our child is older we will talk about her and I will be able to say all pleasant things...that makes me happy.

So for all of you that have prayed, hoped, sowed financially, and stood with us open up some bubbly something and have a drink. A toast to our little dream coming into reality. Please continue to pray for our birth mother as she is coming to the moment when she will make the hardest decision of her life thus far. In giving us this gift of life, a little piece of hers will be lost forever. A woman cannot bare a child, loose that child and not suffer loss. Please pray for a strengthening of her heart, mind, and emotions. Pray for her physical strength as she cares for two small children and carries our child till August. Pray for everything to go smoothly for us and for her at the birth.

Thank You!!!


Kristi said...

That's so awesome! What a great story thus far! Thanks for the note on my blog, Kristi! I was tickled! I suppose a ticket to Canada to tell someone you've never met is probably a little extreme =) As I was trying to sleep last night, I though...we could always meet via telephone =) So happy for you guys! We'll keep on praying!

Tracie said...

Blessings Kristi!
Great post.

Stephanie said...

I am so excited for you, Cooper family! It does sound like an amazing story thus far. I will be praying for you, your baby & the birth mother. Blessings from Canada!