February 25, 2008

Our "last" home study visit

I want to just start this blog with saying, things don't always go how you plan them. Our last visit for our home study was scheduled for today, the 25th, at 2pm. Our case worker Susan arrived and we sat down in our living room. I offered her something to drink and we began the questions. Every question you can imagine about our relationship, marriage, parenting, and what not. During this interview Steven became increasingly sick. Now he had just got home from California this a.m at 2am and had been resting. He was sick when he went to CA. and came home just as sick. Well as the questions continued he coughed more and felt light headed. He looked at me and told me that he couldn't go on. I asked him to push through. So like the wonderful husband that he is, he mushed on. Until suddenly he got up and went to the bathroom. There he proceeded to vomit a couple of times. I was trying to answer Susan's questions as best as I could. I didn't want to delay the process one more day. Steven came out and had me go into the bathroom where I saw what he'd been working on and I told Susan that we would have to reschedule. Unfortunately that means we have to schedule another meeting with her and her schedule is very busy.
The plot thickens...She said that she is going out of town for two weeks. So unless we can get everything down,turned in and interviews over with before the 7th of March, it could be the end of March before our home study is done. That means that our consultant cannot start matching us until the first of April. When I heard that I wanted to cry. I have been working on this since the first of December and really want it to be done. It is emotionally draining and very distracting. My anticiapation of looking for and meeting my little one is all I can think of. My baby is out there. There is a mother carrying my little one and she is trying to decide all our fates. I want my profile out there so that when she sees us, she would just know that we are the ones. I know that it is really the Lord that is in controll, so don't misunderstand me. I think that I am developing some motherly fire in me. So I emailed my consultant and told her the situation. She said that it shouldn't take that long and we'll see what she can do. I am so glad that I have someone to go to bat for me.

The home study isn't supposed to be enjoyable. It is your life being examined by someone else for permission to adopt. Nothing in there says this will be the most fun you've ever had. It is warfare also. We are rescuing a little one from who knows what to raise them in an atmosphere of loving and knowing God. The devil doesn't want that. Our finances have been hit and sickness abounds in Steven. We need a suddenly of God to come and touch this situation. Now I know that it really is all in his hands. It always has been. Maybe this is all for a purpose and Baby Cooper isn't in the mix yet. Or maybe this is the scheme of Satan to distract me. Either way I need the Lord to intervene for us.

God please come and stamp your seal of approval on this. Help me to be tender, humble, and calm while you produce patience and love in my heart. Give me clarity and hope and please speed up our case worker.

Continue to pray for us. We are keeping our chin up and hoping that soon we can get the end of the yellow brick road and find Baby Cooper.


Fairing Well said...

Hey Kristy,
We are also working with Tracie and I read your blog. We are certainly praying for you and would also love to send you some support financially. I don't see a link for that on this site...Is there a way we could do this:)?Feel free to get my email from Tracie. Blessings,
Caroline Fairchild

JenniferJames said...

Hey there! I don't know if we have met (I know you by sight though!) but I am Aaron James' wife, Jennifer. I JUST found your blog, and I am so excited about what you guys are doing/praying for!

I want to pray with you (and I will!) and tell you how proud I am to know people who are willing to go through so much to adopt a life, that needs a family! I can't wait to meet your baby Kristy, if you need anything, you call me! (I'll be posting tons of comments too, I have ALOT of computer time at work) hahaha!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristy,
You don't know me, but I'm friends with the gals from Winnipeg who stayed at your house last week & found your blog through Randy Bohlender's blog. Anywho :) - I just wanted to say that I am really identifying with what you are experiencing right now. I am 38 weeks pregnant and my doctor told me 2 weeks ago already that she thought our baby would come early. Of course we began to anticipate that our baby could come any day, which has made the wait probably more excruciating. Then I went into early labor on Tuesday for about 10 hours before it all slowed down & then stopped completely! I was so ready for this to all be done and over & to finally hold my baby in my arms & now I am waiting again! I too am trying to be patient and trust that God's timing is perfect. Misty was singing in the prayer room the other night from Ecclesiastes about the times and seasons and how there's a reason and purpose for every season and it's not in vain & how God makes everything beautiful in it's time - it was exactly what I needed to hear. Just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you - it seems that this process of waiting & trusting is all in God's plan for how He designed things to work when you're bringing a baby into your family - whatever the means.
Many blessings,