October 19, 2009

Outside and All Around

Our house is busy with construction on the kitchen, a yard full of leaves, and one very curious little 13mo. old. She has been so good not to touch the tools that Steven has in the kitchen, although I can see in her face that the temptation is almost too much to control. She just looks at him with amazement as he drills and cuts, every so often she will comment and then just walk off. She is officially the new supervisor of the project. We are almost done, just need to finish tiling and then wa-la.... a fancy kitchen. I posted some pics to let you see the progress.

Well yesterday and today's weather are straight from heaven I am sure. This is the climate that I would live in forever, minus all the leaves. I love the changing of the leaves, it is my favorite scene of fall but not the raking of them once they have landed. :-) Shiloh and I have been trying to tackle the leaves, but he down pour of new leaves is unending. She has a blast though just wading out in them and surprisingly hasn't tried to eat them.

Sunday was glorious so I invited some friends to go to the pumpkin patch with Shiloh and me. It was so much fun, but I think that as she ages it will be much more delightful. We utilized the horse swing, road a little train ride, and of course a hay ride to top the day off. There were lots of animals, but unfortunately not too many pumpkins at this particular farm. That was the biggest bummer for me but Shiloh could care less I am sure. She had a blast.

1 comment:

Annette said...

The kitchen looks so much brighter.

Shiloh sure loves the outdoors.