July 1, 2009

Where Will Shiloh Be

Some of you are wondering where my little Shiloh will be while I am away. I have the answer to that much debated question..... auntie Debbie and uncle Steve's house of course. Steve and Debbie Banderman are well worth a post or two in my opinion and so I thought that for those of you who are not familiar with them I would introduce Shiloh's pseudo aunt and uncle. When Steven and I were adopting Shiloh we had to stay in Kansas for two weeks waiting for all the paperwork to go through. We were looking for somewhere to stay close to KC and our friend Tracie Loux highly recommended the Banderman's. Though strangers to us at the time we were grateful to have a home close to home. The moment that we entered their house they did not stop treating us like family and even gave up their master bedroom so that we would have our own bathroom. They adopted us and loved on us like our family would have. Speaking of, the Banderman's also allowed our family to come and stay with us at their house for a weekend to get to meet Shiloh. They were absolutely amazing!!!!! After we were able to go home the Banderman's continued to offer their friendship and babysitting services and we adapted the names auntie Debbie and uncle Steve for them as Shiloh's honorary family. The Banderman's have two teenage sons that are just as amazing (they take after their parents love, kindness and general coolness) and they love Shiloh like a little sister. It is truly amazing that God has placed them in our lives. They have their foster certificate and in a way fostered us and helped us have a beginning. We love them and cherish them for life! There is so much more to say about this lovely, godly family that I feel that words are not enough. They are servants and have committed to the spirit of adopting in everyway. THey are people of the word, and people of compassion. Many have a great testimony about these ones and I know that many more will have as well. Check out their blog and learn more about them. I know that you will love them to.http://pursuedbylove.wordpress.com/

So there is a little run down on who Shiloh will have to keep her company, as well as her beloved daddy Steven. Shiloh and Steven have a very special bond and they have a blast together. If you think of it say a little prayer for Shiloh as mommy will be away for 5 days, that her heart will feel secure and that all will go well with her.


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