July 2, 2009

Haiti Update

I am so stoked about what God is going to do this August when I along with my friend James take our team to Haiti. God is really in this and He is pouring out revelation and His heart to my team. We had our first meeting last Sunday and it was precious to hear what God has been saying to each member and what we are all bringing to the table is amazing. Here is a little line up/ prayer roll call for you to get to know my team.


Whitney > We will be training on basic care of infants and children to first aid and even life saving basics.

Worship Leader



Everyone is a key and at all times everyone will be interacting and teaching whether it be medical, spiritual, practical, or just loving on these kids. All the teaching will be centered around God's destiny for each child and the staffs responsibility to pray for these children. We will try to impart the concept of laying down our lives for the next generation to know Jesus. God is really laying a foundation in my heart for the turning of the tide type movement starting with orphans. He is serious about reaching the next generation, because they will have to stand under more pressures than any other generation and not deny Jesus. First off they need to know Jesus and that when you believe and pray that things change.

Please pray for finances, health, revelation, and for the pastors and leaders in Haiti to be anointed with the Malachi 4 heart of God.

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