July 23, 2009
July 20, 2009
There is a Stirring in our Hearts
There are so many things that can stir our hearts and in a place where so many cultures and therefore current events are blaring at us it is hard to focus on just one thing. I have never been one to focus on only one thing, and hardly can sit long enough to focus period. But when I sat down this past Sunday to listen to Benji Nolot talk about Human Trafficking it brought this stirring up in my heart again, like I was hearing this information for the first time again. This topic that is so hush hush in the main stream media and population, yet is like a kettle on the burner about to start screaming loudly... PAY ATTENTION TO ME. In every country on every Continent and even here on our own soil there are young girls and boys, men and woman who are kidnapped, traded, sold, and lost in the world of sexual slavery. They are not being traded in open markets on the sea ports of our country, they are being cargo ed in crates and dog kennels in back alley ways. They are not ship in the hundreds chained to one another in filthy ships that reek of feces and death. They are lured by seemingly innocent propositions over the Internet, stolen from their own driveways or coerced by friends and find themselves trapped without hope. These "human commodities" as their pimps think of them are gang raped, beaten, tortured, starved and coerced by all means to perform hideous acts night after night for the financial gain of mobs and Mafia types around the globe. I have hear stories of girls locked in dog kennels so small that their bodies go numb. Shoved in bottom dresser drawers, locked in closets for days and worse. Why God is this allowed? With one thought you could blow them all up and take out this evil for good. Why are these people getting away with this? I am not angry with God, but men having free will sucks sometimes for others.
There are so many thoughts and the feeling of so little that can be done. But I have hope that there is a light at the end of this tunnel. His name is Jesus and He is shedding light on this dark trade and beginning to wake His bride up to pray for the ending of another realm of slavery. There will never be total eradication of this trade till Jesus splits the sky. It is like a terrible plague that seems to be latent and hidden in the ground. But Jesus is the shepherd who left the 99 and went after the 1 lost sheep. He cares and will save as many as He can. There are people around the world who are actively getting involved by rescuing these victims and creating safe houses for them to recover in. There are others who are researching, writing, and filming documentaries to give the church something to see that will arouse their passion to pray and act on behalf of the oppressed. Steven and I are so very stirred to our core on this issue that it has changed the direction that our family is headed.
We came to KC 6 yrs ago not really knowing what we would be doing. We both have been full-time and part-time staff at the house of prayer and feel that God is continuing to lay foundations in our lives that will be who we are forever. But this last several months God has especially stirred Steven in the course that he will take for his life's work. Steven is currently working on his BA in Criminal Justice through Liberty University. With this degree he wants to investigate and break up human trafficking rings on a federal level. His first semester paper is on human trafficking and his first philosophy paper is on abortion. We are still running for God in the house of prayer, but he is able to take those burdens in his heart and the prayer to a whole new level. Just imagine a federal officer who is filled with Holy Spirit searching for human trafficking rings, and operating in a spirit of wisdom and revelation. Come Lord Come! We want to sow resources into this, time, energy, and help those who are already on this mission. Below I am posting a link to this last Sunday's message notes that I think will stir your heart. Also a picture of a book that is riveting and is available at the IHOP book store. (ihop.org)
Above all pray!!
Pray that God will shine light on this topic in the body of Christ.
Pray for revelation and divine encounter for federal agents trying to stop these rings of sex trafficking.
Pray for the victims to be restored and healed.
Pray for the pimps and captors to encounter Jesus and be saved.
Pray for doors left open, keys laying on tables and escape for many woman and children.
Pray for conviction on the hearts of men who would engage in these immoral dealings
Pray for delivers to be raised up all over the earth to rescue these ones lost without hope.
Pray for God to lay this burden on your heart to pray and to act.
Check out www.exoduscry.com to learn more and to get prayer focuses for your prayer groups.
Pass this on to as many people as you know.
http://www.notforsalecampaign.org/ -----good website on human trafficking
http://ihop.org/Publisher/Article.aspx?ID=1000053924 ---Sunday's Notes
There are many things that can stir our hearts, but think on this statement that pierced my heart on Sunday.
When the good Samaritan stopped to help the beaten traveler in Luke 10, the religious leaders had already passed him by and left him for dead. The good Samaritan wasn't a hero, he just saw things differently. The religious leaders had the mind set of " what would it cost me to stop and help this man"... the good Samaritan had the mind set of " what will it cost him (the traveler...the trafficked young girl...) if I don't help.
What will it cost these ones trapped if we don't pray....give.....inform....act?
Get involved somehow. Even 30 second prayers while you are on your way to work count. Be the good Samaritan. What will it cost you if you don't?
July 18, 2009
Shiloh Update
July 12, 2009
I Am Getting Closer to the Goal
My yard sale was a great success. Friday morning around 5am the weather was stormy but it calmed down by 8 am so I decided to go for it. Friday morning I made $100 and felt pretty good. Saturday morning was the same as Friday with storms and very windy but after the clouds rolled away I was out with my sales woman cap on. Business was slow at first but by 2pm I had gotten rid of most stuff and made another $60. Not bad for a stormy weekend yard sale!
Steven came home from his ministry trip to Arkansas with a gift from a dear friend for my trip as well. All totalled and coupled with a generous gift from some great friends I have raised $650. I am still short about $350, but I am confident that God will provide. Airfare is going to be about $60 dollars more than we thought but I am praying that we find a stellar deal next week.
I met with the other nurses on Saturday afternoon to hash out the outline for our teaching sessions and I am stoked about what God has given us. We all agreed that we want to start out with the message of our identity in God and give the gospel right up front. That way we will all be on the same page. Then we'll start teaching about proper care and loving on the children through the eyes of how God sees them. We will wrap the sessions up with teaching on the importance of loving touch. This will span topics like the detriments of isolation and too much crib time, to abuse, and the need of every human to be held and nurtured. We are hoping that Holy Spirit will make a way to minister to these woman about the issues of abuse in their own life and stop the cycle of abuse. I know that nothing is going to happen overnight and that these things take time, but we have to be faithful with what God gives us to do and trust that he will bring the increase and harvest. We will be demonstrating things hands on and helping the owner of the orphanage with writing policy and guidelines. There will be workers from 5 other orphanages there as well so the potential impact is huge.
My heart is really stirred in this because if we touch the nannies hearts and they are changed, it effects the children directly. God has a destiny for each orphan and these woman will play a major role in how that destiny plays out. The greatest resource we have are children. My desire for this trip is to witness to these women the love of Christ, reveal truth about the destiny of each person (but especially the children), to give solid teaching that will impact the physical well being of the children, and to lay a foundation for change that will be felt not only physically, but also in their souls. I will be giving more details as we get closer to the date of the trip.
Please pray for revelation and open hearts to receive truth. The Haitian people are a proud and sometimes obstinate people. I love them, yet I know what we are facing going in as Americans telling them to do things another way. We are preparing to go in as servants even to the point of washing their feet to let them know that we are there to serve them and to give them keys to fullness. Pray that Holy Spirit will flood their hearts with light and that truth will pierce them like an arrow.
Thank you for praying.
If you would like to give towards this trip, or towards feeding the poor on the streets of Haiti:
email me at kristicooper@ihop.org and I will send you my address. I don't think that I should post it here. There is a way for tax-deduction as well.
Steven came home from his ministry trip to Arkansas with a gift from a dear friend for my trip as well. All totalled and coupled with a generous gift from some great friends I have raised $650. I am still short about $350, but I am confident that God will provide. Airfare is going to be about $60 dollars more than we thought but I am praying that we find a stellar deal next week.
I met with the other nurses on Saturday afternoon to hash out the outline for our teaching sessions and I am stoked about what God has given us. We all agreed that we want to start out with the message of our identity in God and give the gospel right up front. That way we will all be on the same page. Then we'll start teaching about proper care and loving on the children through the eyes of how God sees them. We will wrap the sessions up with teaching on the importance of loving touch. This will span topics like the detriments of isolation and too much crib time, to abuse, and the need of every human to be held and nurtured. We are hoping that Holy Spirit will make a way to minister to these woman about the issues of abuse in their own life and stop the cycle of abuse. I know that nothing is going to happen overnight and that these things take time, but we have to be faithful with what God gives us to do and trust that he will bring the increase and harvest. We will be demonstrating things hands on and helping the owner of the orphanage with writing policy and guidelines. There will be workers from 5 other orphanages there as well so the potential impact is huge.
My heart is really stirred in this because if we touch the nannies hearts and they are changed, it effects the children directly. God has a destiny for each orphan and these woman will play a major role in how that destiny plays out. The greatest resource we have are children. My desire for this trip is to witness to these women the love of Christ, reveal truth about the destiny of each person (but especially the children), to give solid teaching that will impact the physical well being of the children, and to lay a foundation for change that will be felt not only physically, but also in their souls. I will be giving more details as we get closer to the date of the trip.
Please pray for revelation and open hearts to receive truth. The Haitian people are a proud and sometimes obstinate people. I love them, yet I know what we are facing going in as Americans telling them to do things another way. We are preparing to go in as servants even to the point of washing their feet to let them know that we are there to serve them and to give them keys to fullness. Pray that Holy Spirit will flood their hearts with light and that truth will pierce them like an arrow.
Thank you for praying.
If you would like to give towards this trip, or towards feeding the poor on the streets of Haiti:
email me at kristicooper@ihop.org and I will send you my address. I don't think that I should post it here. There is a way for tax-deduction as well.
July 10, 2009
Come to my yard sale!!
July 4, 2009
Shiloh Pics
July 2, 2009
Haiti Update
I am so stoked about what God is going to do this August when I along with my friend James take our team to Haiti. God is really in this and He is pouring out revelation and His heart to my team. We had our first meeting last Sunday and it was precious to hear what God has been saying to each member and what we are all bringing to the table is amazing. Here is a little line up/ prayer roll call for you to get to know my team.
Whitney > We will be training on basic care of infants and children to first aid and even life saving basics.
Worship Leader
Everyone is a key and at all times everyone will be interacting and teaching whether it be medical, spiritual, practical, or just loving on these kids. All the teaching will be centered around God's destiny for each child and the staffs responsibility to pray for these children. We will try to impart the concept of laying down our lives for the next generation to know Jesus. God is really laying a foundation in my heart for the turning of the tide type movement starting with orphans. He is serious about reaching the next generation, because they will have to stand under more pressures than any other generation and not deny Jesus. First off they need to know Jesus and that when you believe and pray that things change.
Please pray for finances, health, revelation, and for the pastors and leaders in Haiti to be anointed with the Malachi 4 heart of God.
Whitney > We will be training on basic care of infants and children to first aid and even life saving basics.
Worship Leader
Everyone is a key and at all times everyone will be interacting and teaching whether it be medical, spiritual, practical, or just loving on these kids. All the teaching will be centered around God's destiny for each child and the staffs responsibility to pray for these children. We will try to impart the concept of laying down our lives for the next generation to know Jesus. God is really laying a foundation in my heart for the turning of the tide type movement starting with orphans. He is serious about reaching the next generation, because they will have to stand under more pressures than any other generation and not deny Jesus. First off they need to know Jesus and that when you believe and pray that things change.
Please pray for finances, health, revelation, and for the pastors and leaders in Haiti to be anointed with the Malachi 4 heart of God.
July 1, 2009
Where Will Shiloh Be

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