August 27, 2008

So Here's What You Missed

Not Yet! Just wanted to throw that out there. We are still waiting. Danielle is tired of being pregnant and says that she's ready to pop. She's gained about 37 lbs but, she isn't very big so I am sure that she fills like a huge water balloon. Baby is in the birth canal head down. She is almost at 6 lbs and the doctor says no more than another week. I personally, along with Danielle, am hoping for this weekend. How fitting don't you think? Labor Day??? :-) No really I want her to be born in the 8th month because all this year the Lord has been speaking about the number 8. This is our 8th year of marriage, the 8th month of 2008. It just spells New Beginning!!
We have the crib up, the car seat, the travel pak-n-play and bottles. I actually moved our "gear" to the trunk of my car today. Call it a prophetic statement, desperation, or just getting it out of my sight, it had to go somewhere. This last week we have been dealing with some more crazy stuff from our caseworker that I just needed a break. I have been freeing myself more and more from my phone and feeling a little more sane.

So what is the crazy stuff you ask....Oh where to start. Well first lets take a moment and thank God for my case worker because lets face it, if she were not doing what she is doing more babies might be in a trash can instead of parents arms. If she wasn't running around chasing birth mothers taking them to their appointments I wouldn't be blogging about a match right now. So Lord Bless her today. But she didn't show up to my meeting with my birth mother with left a gap in the information trail. I emailed her a couple of times letting her know that I was frustrated and didn't know what was going on. So she called and acted as if everything were right on track. (I wondered if she was making small talk till she found the folder that told her who I was. :-) So I asked "When and Where did we need to have the money? Then we got an answer that shocked us and sent us on a bunny trail for three days to figure out if we were in a shady deal. But after talking to our SAINT of a consultant Tracie and her boss Amy and their legal advice that they acquired from a lawyer we are back on track and know how to handle any fuzzy situations that might rear their ugly heads. I don't want to say anymore because I am determined to put the past behind me with my case worker and everyday begin again. That in it's self will be a true test of patience due to the fact that communication between her and I is a joke, but "water under the bridge"

On a bigger note I will update you on our finances. I found out from the Blue Cross Blue Shield lady that our insurance wont cover her until our official papers are signed saying that she is our daughter. That means that she will go onto Medicaid in Kansas after birth and that should lower our medical expenses. Praise the Lord!!!!

Through some weird circumstances we ended up having to send checks that were given to us for the adoption through The Zoe Foundation back to the donors to have them re-written and sent back to us through IHOP. Now the good news is that all but one check is on its way back to us and we should get them in the next day or two. The bad news is that they will not be available till Sept.15th. That means if Danny goes into labor this weekend we will be short and have to give them and IOU for $5000. I am not sure how that works, but we know that the money is coming. God has used a darling friend of ours in a sire situation to bless us and we are so grateful. We are still not sure if there are any unforeseen expenses but we are confident that it will all be taken care of. God has blessed us so much thus far and we do not for see Him slacking now.

We found out that we will be able to stay in Kansas City Kansas after our court appearance to wait for ICPC clearance to get back to Missouri. What does all that mean? Simply that we don't have to stay out in the corn fields of Kansas but right next door to Kansas City, MO. at a friends house for the remainder of the time till Missouri and Kansas both recognize that ________ Cooper is our daughter and we can them take her home. Hopefully that will be only two to three days but who knows really. Some friends that are dear to our hearts, the Vanhourn's, have offered to host us and we are more than blessed. It will save us money and we'll be closer to friends and IHOP.

An update on Eli. For those of you aware of the situation there isn't much of an update. Our caseworker being the on the ball, up to date person that she is, hasn't really been pursuing it. Have you ever touched something really hot and it took a while for it to burn you? That is how I feel about this situation. She hasn't gotten a hold of his case worker so we still don't know where he is. Just pray that God would plant him in a Christian home if we cannot figure out a family in IHOP-KC for him.

Tues. morning during the 6am intercession set I was praying for _______ Cooper and Danny and just got this thing in my gut that just said " God I refused to bow down in fear to the prince of the powers of this age over this adoption. I am a child of the KING and I will not yield. I will not beg for money and I will not take no for an answer. This is YOUR heart and YOUR daughter and I want YOU to bring her home." I was just filled with this sense of who I was in God and a strong refusal to bow to the pressure of Satan and his chaos to distract me from what God is really doing. A little while later was when we found out that our checks were coming and that things were in motion again with everything. I have been in doubt and fear that last two weeks and I just need to stop. It isn't about me and it isn't personal. It is war! It is time to put on my combat boots and just step on the plans and schemes of darkness. I just need to get my head out of the muck. It is easy to look at circumstances and think that it is because we are not good enough or because we don't pray enough or read the word enough. Bull Crap.. it is because Satan is loosing and he will try to take down anyone he can in the process.

So there you go. Now you are up to date on the Cooper's Chaos. :-) No we are blessed and as I self evaluate daily I see areas that I regret not having walked in enough faith. areas that I have grown and areas that I know will die like a fly after three days of fun when the baby gets here. There are always areas to improve and I just want to say that I gave it my all at the end of the day and trust that I will lean a little more at the end of the beginning.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Wow! The time is coming so close already!