August 4, 2008

Continue to Pray!

Dear friends, please continue to pray for our birth mother and her son. I spoke with our adoption case worker on Saturday and she is working hard to find a way to help Danielle get her son back. I will also be trying to get a hold of Danielle and the St. Francis case worker that is handling Elisha's status.

Please pray that Elisha's little heart would not be permanently wounded. Pray for the Father of the fatherless to hide Elisha under the shadow of His wings.

Pray for Danielle. I keep thinking about in Matthew when Herod sent out the decree to kill all the boys 2yrs and younger. “ A voice was heard in Ramah,Lamentation, weeping, and great mourning,Rachel weeping for her children,Refusing to be comforted,Because they are no more.”Matt 2:18. Danielle is strong but I know her heart is broken and when everyone is gone and her daughter is a sleep I know that she weeps bitterly. Pray for her heart, for grace and strength. Pray that God would encounter her and show His love. Pray for her salvation through this "momentary light affliction", though it seems like the weight of the world is on her shoulders.

Please pray for a reversal of an unjust decree. Pray for the case workers heart to soften and for light to break in.

Pray for our little princess in the womb that needs a supernatural angelic host around her right now. This time is very stressful for Danielle and in turn the baby isn't getting all that she needs. Pray for her little body to be strengthened and protected. Pray for good circulation and for the Father of Glory to surround her frame. She is fearfully and wonderfully made!!!!

Our hearts are in knots over this whole thing. We are in a fight for LIFE. It is not just about us or just about Danielle, this is about choosing LIFE over death and cultural convenience. This is about going after the Father's heart no matter where it leads. Danielle chose LIFE, Satan hates the fact that lives are being saved and transformed. Danielle will be saved, Elisha will be reunited and God will have the victory! Jehovah Nissi, God is our Victory.

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