May 29, 2008

On The Road Again...

We leave tomorrow morning for Arkansas for the weekend. We are going home to see family, friends, and oh yeah to have our first baby shower. Some of the fun events that we will partake in are:

Dinning with friends
Children's ballet recital
A Roller Derby match ( my sister-in-law plays :-)
Coffee with a confidant on this journey of infertility
Going to the dollar jewelry store. (Oh is a little slice of heaven for the accessory lover)
Church (if we wake up)

It will be a great weekend. We haven't been home since March I think. My god daughter and son are in a dance recital on Saturday. That will take place just before we go to watch my Canadian sister-in-law kick butt in her roller derby match.:-) It is the oddest thing, but surprisingly entertaining. The outfits that the roller girls wear are less than modest, but once you get past the initial shock you get into the game.

My mom has been working hard making our baby bedding that I am so excited to see. I picked out some patterns and material that I would want to use again and we used a style that for a girl or boy it would be stylish. Steven and I recently went into Pottery Barn for kids and got some great decor ideas that we are going to try to replicate for the baby's room.

We are going to have a few sad moments while at home, as we are parting with one of our white German shepherds this weekend. We have been trying to find Nia a home for sometime and nothing has panned out. A lady in Arkansas, that a friend knows, was instantly interested as she had lost her white German shepherd three months earlier. So we will make the transition over the three days that we are there and hope that everyone involved will be happy. She lives on two acres in the country and has another German shepherd. This is the life that I cannot give Nia, but have always wished for her.

So I will have lots of pictures to share and perhaps a video or two when we return. I am not sure whether I will be able to blog while there but I will try. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and keep reading!


Kristi said...

Have a wonderful, blessed and refreshing weekend!

Tracie said...

Thinking of you and hope you're having a blast!