March 5, 2008

I'm A Little Bummed About Huckabee

Well today was a shocker day for many as Huckabee's withdraw was made public. I am bummed about this. Not just because we are both from Arkansas and he could have redeemed our states reputation in the White House. He is a man of integrity, constancy, and a moral man. I think that he isn't easily swayed and he thinks before he speaks. These are all things that this nation is in desperate need of right now. I feel that he ponders situations and analysis them well before he gives his answers. It was a shame that in the debates McCain and the other guy fought all the time and took up valuable moments of critical thinking. When they did get to Huckabee they would ask him the off the wall religion questions that had nothing to do with the topic or even the debate. I am not sure if Huckabee is looking for a VP nomination and I am not sure how I feel about that. I am not in love with McCain by any means. A friend of ours said that she could see another "Roosevelt and Truman". Harry Truman wasn't a popular vote in his day and never would have been elected if it were not for Roosevelt. Then Roosevelt died in office and Truman was put into play and turned out to be an amazing president. Who knows, as the church our assignment is not to pray for the canidate that we want, but God's will. That He would come and set the man of His choice in office. I had hoped that it would be Huck, and it may be but for now we just pray and wait.

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