March 25, 2008

Adoption Update

For those of you who are following our forthcoming adoption, here is a little of what is going on. Our case worker has yet to type our report that we know of. We had anticipated that it would be done by the first of March and surely by now, but we are still waiting. The home study report is the document that the state of Missouri and other states will look at to know that we are approved to adopt. We basically served our life on a platter and she was the determining factor to whether we could adopt. Truly that decision rest in the hands of the Lord. He destined this for us, so when I say that she was the one to determine our adoption I mean in the natural realm in the land of paperwork. Without that report we are at a stand still. We cannot apply for babies or for adoption grants. So we have been praying and waiting.
I visited with my in-laws and my mother while in Arkansas a few weeks ago. My mother and my mother-in-law took me to Toys-R-Us and registered for baby stuff. It was an experience and I am glad that I was able to do it with both of them. I have also registered on line at Target and Wal-Mart in anticipation that it will not be much longer.
I have also picked out fabric for the bedding. It is going to be awesome! Having a mother that is an incredible seamstress allows me to design the whole bedding set. I can tell her to "put this here and this over there" and it comes out perfect. I am starting on the room that will be our nursery this coming weekend. It has been our office/music/junk room, so needless to say I have a little of a chore ahead of me. I am excited though because it is all part of bring baby Cooper home.
So that is where we are, waiting and continuing to pray for our little one. Our baby is only a heartbeat away. Somewhere within this huge country is our little gift from God. The precious little one that He is giving us for a time. The one that we will teach to walk, to talk, and to pray. I am so excited though I know this is only a shadow of the emotions that will flood our hearts when we finally meet our little one. Thank you for your love, support, and prayers.

1 comment:

V and C said...

How fun!! I can't wait to hear when you find your little one!! Be blessed! Carla