May 13, 2009

Update Part 1

The last weekend in April we took around 15 friends camping in Arkansas at Devil's Den State Park. It is a camp ground that Steven and I grew up going to and there are many fond memories there. We usually go there at least once a year, but had not been in the last two years. It was Shiloh's first camping trip and she did extremely well. We took the pack and play for her to roll around in during the day and to sleep in at night. She stayed on her schedule pretty well and was her normal happy self. The weather was great and only a few sprinkles on Saturday. We went hiking, caving, shooting, and the guys rode their bikes on some trails. In the evenings we all made dinner and sat around the camp fire telling stories. It was a great weekend and everyone had a blast.


Kristi said...

Shiloh isn't so bald anymore! Look at that hair!

Stephanie said...

Man, your camping trip looks fun! I think that you and Shiloh look a ton alike in the first picture! You're both so beautiful : )