I am so silly. I started a photo bucket slide show two weeks ago for the blog. Got picture in and was hoping to have it up by the weekend before Christmas and what do you know, I forgot my login and password. I didn't write it down and haven't been able to get into the account. Then we went home for Christmas and now we are in the throws of Onething with 12 people in our basement and I have hardly seen Steven in the last 48 hours. All that to say, I am trying. Just think there will be more pictures in the slide show now.
While you are waiting I thought I would entertain you with some of our holiday home coming folly. We returned home on the 26th due to that fact that Steven is one of the stage managers for Onething and had to start work on the 27th. We arrived in KC about midnight or 1am. unloaded as much as we could and crawled into bed. Around 4am we awoke to the dog restless, Shiloh moving around and no electricity. Yup, it was freezing and really dark. That morning Steven left for his set in the Prayer Room and then on to Bartel Hall, down town KC to work. I got up and looked outside the window to see a scene from a war flick. There were trees down in the streets and in our backyard was colossal damage. Lightning struck our neighbors tree causing it to fall in our other neighbors yard, missing their house by a few feet. This caused the light pole to snap and then the light pole that is right behind our house, loosed by the tension of the tree falling on the previous pole, was leaning up against our fence and electric wires were everywhere in our yard. The entire block that I live on was without power, which meant most of us were without heat. Steven had reported the power outage earlier so I thought that by the end of the day we'd have heat. Not so. Around 1:45pm that afternoon the temp. in my house began to fall and I started to look for a place to go with Shiloh. My friend and neighbor a couple blocks over offered her home to us and so at 3pm on the 27th, with our house now at 59 degrees we moved into her house for how ever long. It was fun minus the fact that we had just got home from visiting and were in need of our own space but I was happy to be warm and with lights.
The next day my back yard was buzzing with a military of electric company men, tree cutters, and cable guys. It was a sight to see. I came home to check the status and begin my preparations for the 12 people that were to come to stay with us that night. I asked a worker if the power would be on that day and he said he hoped so. What! You better hope so buddy. (I didn't say that out loud just FYI) I dawned my headlamp and candles to make the preparations to the guest areas down stairs and to my shock and horror another surprise laid waiting for me. Due to the large amounts of rain and snow that we'd had over the last week or so, and not much sunny weather, the ground around our home decided it couldn't contain any more water. So it shared some with my basement. That is right. Not only was the electric out and we are not sure whether it would return in time, I now have the little Nile in my basement. It was a mess because we had moved an extra mattress onto the floor, which acted like a large kitchen sponge and soaked up water. It was a lesson in patience and finding joy in trials. So my friend and I cleaned up the water, moved the mattress outside to dry off and headed to wal-mart for some chocolate.
(I forgot to mention that on the night of the 27th, as I was pouring myself a cup of tea, I missed the cup and poured boiling hot water on my hand. It really, really hurt. I spent that night sleeping with my hand in a bowl of ice water. Not fun!) Anyways.
I decided to finish getting ready for guest in faith that the lights would flicker on as I was working. At 6pm on the 28th, with no lights, I found my way over to my friends to start making other arrangements for my 12 guest to stay with other people. No small task.
My friend decided that we should get dressed up and go to the Onething conference and figure it out later. So we cleaned up and in an effort to forget all the days troubles we walked out in style. I wanted to swing by my house one last time to see if the lights were on. We turned the corner to my street and I saw my porch light on over the hedges. I was never so relieved. We headed to the conference and afterwards I welcomed my friends into my home, very warm and fully lite up. That night I slept very, very soundly.
That is a narrative of my 48 hour dilemma that was a test of patience and humility. Oh and my hand is fine. I soaked it in ice water all night and in the morning no blisters.
December 29, 2008
December 18, 2008
December 17, 2008
Slide Show To Come
Just wanted to let everyone know that I am learning and working on a slide show of pictures for the blog. I am a little computer/Internet challenged so it takes me a while. I hope to have it up by the weekend. Cross your fingers!
December 15, 2008
Life Goes On In The Midst of Pain
I was in contemplative prayer the other day looking at Luke 18 and the woman with the issue of blood. I love comtemplative prayer because you are there and Jesus gives you a 360 view point. Well for me, that is how it is. I end up in these vivid pictures, like movies in my spirit. I love it. I never would have thought that I would sit still enough to contemplate anything, but I have managed so I know there is hope for everyone.
A new truth struck my heart. I love this story because I can relate but also because Jesus is doing something that marvels me. 43 Now a woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years, who had spent all her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any, 44 came from behind and touched the border of His garment. And immediately her flow of blood stopped. 45 And Jesus said, “Who touched Me?” When all denied it, Peter and those with him[f] said, “Master, the multitudes throng and press You, and You say, ‘Who touched Me?’”[g]46 But Jesus said, “Somebody touched Me, for I perceived power going out from Me.” 47 Now when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling; and falling down before Him, she declared to Him in the presence of all the people the reason she had touched Him and how she was healed immediately. 48 And He said to her, “Daughter, be of good cheer;[h] your faith has made you well. Go in peace.”
The woman was desperate, needing something that no one could give her but God. She was willing to risk stoning and public humiliation to get healing. She risked everything just to touch the hem of Jesus' garment. Then Jesus does something that I never thought of twice till the other day. V.45 Jesus asked "Who touched me?" What??? Is Jesus having a duh moment and really isn't aware of the universe around him? The one in whom all things exist isn't sure who touched him. The one that knows every hair on my head can't pick out a face in a crowd? This always puzzled me till last Wednesday. No, no...Jesus knew the woman in the most intimate way, through the sharing of suffering and the vehement hatred of the injustice that sickness is. He knew her as she cried on her bedroom floor from pain and he knew her when she risked everything to touch his garment. Why then did he ask? Because He wanted her to do two things. 1) to step forward and claim her healing publicly. There were several people that Jesus healed that he told not to tell anyone. Not this woman, he called her out in the midst of a huge crowd and let her tell the whole world what happened when she touched him. 2) He wanted to bless her. Jesus wanted to see her eyes meet His so that he could tell her face to face to go in peace. Here is a woman that had suffered for years and had spent all that she had for peace. Nothing and no one could give it to her. Then in a moment everything that was wrong in her body was made right. Peace was given by the one who is named the Prince of Peace. Jesus wanted to look her in the eyes and the sentence her heart heard was, "It is finished". A sentence that He would declare on the cross as His blood was poured out as an offering.
This hit me like a warm breeze on a spring day as I realized that it wasn't just personal for this woman, but Jesus was saying "It is personal to me to." It touched my heart in a new way as I cry out for healing. My, as a woman with an "issue of blood" I have a hope in the Word. It is personal to Jesus. He came and went to the cross because it was personal for Him. Thank you Jesus that you feel those weak prayers, those desperate reaches to touch the hem of your garment.
A new truth struck my heart. I love this story because I can relate but also because Jesus is doing something that marvels me. 43 Now a woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years, who had spent all her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any, 44 came from behind and touched the border of His garment. And immediately her flow of blood stopped. 45 And Jesus said, “Who touched Me?” When all denied it, Peter and those with him[f] said, “Master, the multitudes throng and press You, and You say, ‘Who touched Me?’”[g]46 But Jesus said, “Somebody touched Me, for I perceived power going out from Me.” 47 Now when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling; and falling down before Him, she declared to Him in the presence of all the people the reason she had touched Him and how she was healed immediately. 48 And He said to her, “Daughter, be of good cheer;[h] your faith has made you well. Go in peace.”
The woman was desperate, needing something that no one could give her but God. She was willing to risk stoning and public humiliation to get healing. She risked everything just to touch the hem of Jesus' garment. Then Jesus does something that I never thought of twice till the other day. V.45 Jesus asked "Who touched me?" What??? Is Jesus having a duh moment and really isn't aware of the universe around him? The one in whom all things exist isn't sure who touched him. The one that knows every hair on my head can't pick out a face in a crowd? This always puzzled me till last Wednesday. No, no...Jesus knew the woman in the most intimate way, through the sharing of suffering and the vehement hatred of the injustice that sickness is. He knew her as she cried on her bedroom floor from pain and he knew her when she risked everything to touch his garment. Why then did he ask? Because He wanted her to do two things. 1) to step forward and claim her healing publicly. There were several people that Jesus healed that he told not to tell anyone. Not this woman, he called her out in the midst of a huge crowd and let her tell the whole world what happened when she touched him. 2) He wanted to bless her. Jesus wanted to see her eyes meet His so that he could tell her face to face to go in peace. Here is a woman that had suffered for years and had spent all that she had for peace. Nothing and no one could give it to her. Then in a moment everything that was wrong in her body was made right. Peace was given by the one who is named the Prince of Peace. Jesus wanted to look her in the eyes and the sentence her heart heard was, "It is finished". A sentence that He would declare on the cross as His blood was poured out as an offering.
This hit me like a warm breeze on a spring day as I realized that it wasn't just personal for this woman, but Jesus was saying "It is personal to me to." It touched my heart in a new way as I cry out for healing. My, as a woman with an "issue of blood" I have a hope in the Word. It is personal to Jesus. He came and went to the cross because it was personal for Him. Thank you Jesus that you feel those weak prayers, those desperate reaches to touch the hem of your garment.
December 8, 2008
Shiloh Is Turning 3!
3months that is. Officially she will be another month sweeter on December 11Th. I cannot even believe that I have a daughter first and that she is 3 months old. I have had the privilege to be her mother for three months. The other day as I was putting her to sleep I almost couldn't put her down. I was enthralled with her sweetness, her perfection, and with the daunting task of raising her without screwing her up. I have come to the conclusion that I am going to mess it up a few times. I am praying for wisdom and revelation so that it is only a few and not a lot, but I am going to mess up. My prayer is that I will not mess up on the really big things and I will teach her enough of God that when I do mess up she will turn to Him for comfort.
I am so blessed and overwhelmed to have Shiloh. I had a word before we got her in regards to her name. The Lord gave us her name and the word was that she will be peaceful and give me peace. As one who thought that I would never have a child and that I would only hold other peoples babies in the prayer room, I feel a real peace in my heart. Not that I am all healed and Shiloh has given me a reason to live. She has given me a new perspective on life and I feel that a part of my heart has been healed. But there in a longing in every woman that God designed, and that is the Hannah cry. Not everyone goes on the same journey as Hannah, but there is that cry in women for our Samuel. We as women have a reservoir in our souls and our gift is to pour it out on our children. Not everyone wants that gift and not everyone has the opportunity but none the less it is there. I have been praying the apostolic prayers lately for myself in a new way." Lord let me be rooted and grounded in your love so that I can love Shiloh like you love me. Lord give me wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of your Son, so that I can raise my daughter to love you in the midst of the growing seduction of the harlot church. Lord let your word run swiftly into my heart, like and arrow pierce me, so that I will have something of value to give to Shiloh and not mere sentiment."
So in light of that I am in process of making myself a little prayer cave. I am making a little space to study, and to dig in at my house. I know that it must take place in all the rooms of my house, but I need a place designated "House of Prayer in the House" or I will mutter through my days and at 11pm as I feed Shiloh I will realize that I may not have talked to my maker that day. That will just not do.
A sweet thing happened that is unrelated to the above, but I thought that I would share it.
I was in Wal-Mart this last week and a friend came up and asked whose baby was I holding in the prayer room. Now this friend has been in CA for three months, so she totally missed Shiloh's arrival. So as a proud mommy I said "that is my baby, Shiloh Abigail". She looked and me and I thought that she was going to cry. She told me that made her heart glad and that Shiloh was beautiful. I was fueled inside by that encounter and sobered. She is my daughter, my little person in life to raise, care for, and to train in the was of God. It is daunting and wonderful all at the same time.
I am so blessed and overwhelmed to have Shiloh. I had a word before we got her in regards to her name. The Lord gave us her name and the word was that she will be peaceful and give me peace. As one who thought that I would never have a child and that I would only hold other peoples babies in the prayer room, I feel a real peace in my heart. Not that I am all healed and Shiloh has given me a reason to live. She has given me a new perspective on life and I feel that a part of my heart has been healed. But there in a longing in every woman that God designed, and that is the Hannah cry. Not everyone goes on the same journey as Hannah, but there is that cry in women for our Samuel. We as women have a reservoir in our souls and our gift is to pour it out on our children. Not everyone wants that gift and not everyone has the opportunity but none the less it is there. I have been praying the apostolic prayers lately for myself in a new way." Lord let me be rooted and grounded in your love so that I can love Shiloh like you love me. Lord give me wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of your Son, so that I can raise my daughter to love you in the midst of the growing seduction of the harlot church. Lord let your word run swiftly into my heart, like and arrow pierce me, so that I will have something of value to give to Shiloh and not mere sentiment."
So in light of that I am in process of making myself a little prayer cave. I am making a little space to study, and to dig in at my house. I know that it must take place in all the rooms of my house, but I need a place designated "House of Prayer in the House" or I will mutter through my days and at 11pm as I feed Shiloh I will realize that I may not have talked to my maker that day. That will just not do.
A sweet thing happened that is unrelated to the above, but I thought that I would share it.
I was in Wal-Mart this last week and a friend came up and asked whose baby was I holding in the prayer room. Now this friend has been in CA for three months, so she totally missed Shiloh's arrival. So as a proud mommy I said "that is my baby, Shiloh Abigail". She looked and me and I thought that she was going to cry. She told me that made her heart glad and that Shiloh was beautiful. I was fueled inside by that encounter and sobered. She is my daughter, my little person in life to raise, care for, and to train in the was of God. It is daunting and wonderful all at the same time.
December 3, 2008
Feeling Intimacy in Weakness
In my time in the prayer room if there is one thing that I have learned it is that you can have a sense of being with God without really being with God. what do I mean? We can be in the church building, the prayer room and sing the songs without engaging our hearts. We can read the word and journal our thoughts and not lock in on the holy spirit within. We can even pray in tongues and be thinking about what we are going to get at WalMart. Now that I am in my home more that anywhere else I am learning that if the former is the case then the opposite is true as well. We can be scrubbing the bath tub, washing the laundry, and changing a dirty diaper and be connected to God. We can be shopping and praying in the spirit with real inspiration in our soul. It isn't the place it is the person. It isn't the song, it is the adoration.
Some days I look at my life and feel overwhelmed and close to tears. I, like Paul, was a chief among sinners. Saved through a holy encounter and set on a course. Unlike Paul I have not written great works that inspire generations, but I feel that I have written and said things that have touched the heart of God none the less. Our journals are places that we lay our soul bare. Places where like David we give God a piece of our minds, yet always coming back to the truth that "though you slay me, yet I will praise". Some days I have a Malachi cry..."I have loved you,” says the LORD. “ Yet you say, ‘In what way have You loved us?’ I feel like the world is crashing in and I am lost. I cannot feel His nearness and I cannot seem to get up and try. Today was one of those days as I struggled physically and was sorrowful in my heart that holding Shiloh was physically hurting. How could I explain to this perfect little angel that mommy cannot even stand because the pain is too great. "How have you loved me when I am still like this Lord?" But I know the truth and my heart goes back to its reality. He has loved me through the pain and in the pain I join Him in suffering to see the other side, which is Is 53 manifest in my frame.
I often scold myself for my lack of diligence and effort in maintaining the same determination that I showed in my times with the Lord before I had a child. The verse..‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’says the LORD. " will resound in my mind and I will fault myself and brand my inner man as lazy. Beating myself up for not maintaining a season that is past and not finding that same drive in its manifestation in this new season is a lost cause in my book. I am who I am in this time and I am what He says that I am. He is always the same no matter where I am. For me the tiny little kisses and the small meditations feel like tidal waves that wash over me. Today as Shiloh was drifting into her nap I recited who Jesus was. How he came ,loved us, and died. How he was resurrected and would come again. Oh how he loved us. I found myself looking into her peaceful sleeping face and realized that I was talking to God more than to her. Reciting the beauty of Jesus and my heart swelled.
It is His name and the complex simplicity of His love that woos me. Though it is a conflict of words it is truth. His love is so simple yet the depth and process of manifesting it is complicated. He being in fullness and glory came and entered into our frame and our fellowship forever. WHAT!!! He served the lowly and fed the poor. He suffered more that any and was hung on a cursed tree. After three days he in full resurrection walked among us for 40 days and once again ascended to travail till His final return. It is complex and simple.
Here are two verses that stir me and I am trying to find them in the everyday things that I do.
Song of Solomon 1:3
3 Because of the fragrance of your good ointments, Your name is ointment poured forth; Therefore the virgins love you.
John 12:3
3 Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.
Some days I look at my life and feel overwhelmed and close to tears. I, like Paul, was a chief among sinners. Saved through a holy encounter and set on a course. Unlike Paul I have not written great works that inspire generations, but I feel that I have written and said things that have touched the heart of God none the less. Our journals are places that we lay our soul bare. Places where like David we give God a piece of our minds, yet always coming back to the truth that "though you slay me, yet I will praise". Some days I have a Malachi cry..."I have loved you,” says the LORD. “ Yet you say, ‘In what way have You loved us?’ I feel like the world is crashing in and I am lost. I cannot feel His nearness and I cannot seem to get up and try. Today was one of those days as I struggled physically and was sorrowful in my heart that holding Shiloh was physically hurting. How could I explain to this perfect little angel that mommy cannot even stand because the pain is too great. "How have you loved me when I am still like this Lord?" But I know the truth and my heart goes back to its reality. He has loved me through the pain and in the pain I join Him in suffering to see the other side, which is Is 53 manifest in my frame.
I often scold myself for my lack of diligence and effort in maintaining the same determination that I showed in my times with the Lord before I had a child. The verse..‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’says the LORD. " will resound in my mind and I will fault myself and brand my inner man as lazy. Beating myself up for not maintaining a season that is past and not finding that same drive in its manifestation in this new season is a lost cause in my book. I am who I am in this time and I am what He says that I am. He is always the same no matter where I am. For me the tiny little kisses and the small meditations feel like tidal waves that wash over me. Today as Shiloh was drifting into her nap I recited who Jesus was. How he came ,loved us, and died. How he was resurrected and would come again. Oh how he loved us. I found myself looking into her peaceful sleeping face and realized that I was talking to God more than to her. Reciting the beauty of Jesus and my heart swelled.
It is His name and the complex simplicity of His love that woos me. Though it is a conflict of words it is truth. His love is so simple yet the depth and process of manifesting it is complicated. He being in fullness and glory came and entered into our frame and our fellowship forever. WHAT!!! He served the lowly and fed the poor. He suffered more that any and was hung on a cursed tree. After three days he in full resurrection walked among us for 40 days and once again ascended to travail till His final return. It is complex and simple.
Here are two verses that stir me and I am trying to find them in the everyday things that I do.
Song of Solomon 1:3
3 Because of the fragrance of your good ointments, Your name is ointment poured forth; Therefore the virgins love you.
John 12:3
3 Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.
Just a Few Wishes for 2009
Steven and I are approaching our 6th year here in KC as intercessory missionaries. It has been a whirlwind and a blessed time of our lives. We are here and also going out ministering to those the Lord gives us. We live simply in all aspects and love it. God has truly blessed us and we are thankful. I thought that I would list few things that I wish for. Some are needs and some are wants and if you would like to contribute just let me know. I would be truly blessed.
$$$ for a new roof. Ours is barely making it and in the spring will need to be replaced. We have a friend that is going to help us do it, now we just need the cash to pay for the supplies.
A home for my German Shepherd Dakota. She is a wonderful dog and very loving, but we are just not able to care for her like we would like. She can jump our fence and will if we leave her unattended in the backyard. We let her in the house but it isn't always the best. So she often spends time in the garage which I hate. So we are seeking a loving family for her w/o small children and a high fence.
$$$ for some car repairs. We need struts on the car and the drivers side door handle fixed. The spring on the handle broke and I have to roll the window down to open the door. That will not be so great when it is snowing or raining.
Cabinets for our island in the kitchen. Our kitchen remodeling project has been put on hold as the money that was allotted for it went to the adoption. Now we don't have an oven or cook top because we haven't been able to get an island. We have a hot plate in the kitchen and a little oven downstairs. It is crazy I know. Trust me had we seen the present in the past we would have planned better.
Monthly supporters. I would love to be able to focus more on the house of prayer and cut back on my hours. I miss being home in the evenings and now I feel like I am missing so much with Shiloh and Steven. I love my job and it is a blessing, however I know that I am called to something else.
That is my wish list. I am blessed and grateful and if I never receive any of these things I will still praise the God who gives me life and loves me. He always provides for us in the greatest ways. We are not lacking in Him.
$$$ for a new roof. Ours is barely making it and in the spring will need to be replaced. We have a friend that is going to help us do it, now we just need the cash to pay for the supplies.
A home for my German Shepherd Dakota. She is a wonderful dog and very loving, but we are just not able to care for her like we would like. She can jump our fence and will if we leave her unattended in the backyard. We let her in the house but it isn't always the best. So she often spends time in the garage which I hate. So we are seeking a loving family for her w/o small children and a high fence.
$$$ for some car repairs. We need struts on the car and the drivers side door handle fixed. The spring on the handle broke and I have to roll the window down to open the door. That will not be so great when it is snowing or raining.
Cabinets for our island in the kitchen. Our kitchen remodeling project has been put on hold as the money that was allotted for it went to the adoption. Now we don't have an oven or cook top because we haven't been able to get an island. We have a hot plate in the kitchen and a little oven downstairs. It is crazy I know. Trust me had we seen the present in the past we would have planned better.
Monthly supporters. I would love to be able to focus more on the house of prayer and cut back on my hours. I miss being home in the evenings and now I feel like I am missing so much with Shiloh and Steven. I love my job and it is a blessing, however I know that I am called to something else.
That is my wish list. I am blessed and grateful and if I never receive any of these things I will still praise the God who gives me life and loves me. He always provides for us in the greatest ways. We are not lacking in Him.
One Down, One To Go
I am not usually a huge holiday lover. This might be to the fact that I didn't grow up with a large family or holiday traditions. I have one brother and Steven's family is a little on the non-traditional side. So as we traveled to Arkansas for Thanksgiving this year I wasn't even thinking about the fact that this is my daughters first thanksgiving. I did bring a camera, yet sadly I took not one picture. At Steven's house we got there about an hour before we ate lunch. I was sad that there was no dressing, cranberry sauce, or marshmallows on the sweet potatoes. We talked about random topics and of course "Black Friday". After about three hours of our time there Steven's older brother and our sister-in-law left, Steven's mother went to a dance camp in TX. and his youngest brother went to hang out with friends. I felt a little sad, yet overwhelmed that my baby didn't want to sleep and was now a very cranky baby. So we just hung out that night with Steven's dad and went on to bed. The next day I ate breakfast with two great friends and was able to show Shiloh off a little. Afterwards we headed to our dear friends house to intro. Shiloh to my three god-children. Then we went back to Steven's home and packed to go to my family's house. We arrived and unloaded the massive cargo that it takes to sustain two adults, a baby (that was a lot), and oh yeah our huge German Shepherd. We we still full from munching on left overs so we ate a little turkey stuff around the TV. I am not a huge TV watcher, however my parents are, so that is what we do with them. The next day Steven and my dad cut down a huge tree and my mom and I went shopping. Later that night we were off to see friends of old and to show off our beautiful little angel. Sunday I went to the early service with my mom so that she could introduce Shiloh to her friends and then to eat at Cracker Barrel. Once we were stuffed with home cooking good we headed up hwy 71 to Kansas City once again. We hit some nasty weather on the way , so man was I glad to be home.
I was blessed to be home and to see family and friends, yet I felt a little lacking. I was reading blogs about peoples wonderful holidays and wished that had been me. I wanted to have a tradition and a huge meal, and a family time that left me feeling warm and thankful. Now that I have a daughter I wanted to cook, to prepare, and to host friends and family. I want to be home to eat and mingle with friends and their children. So Steven and I decided that we are going to start our own family traditions at Thanksgiving. We will invite family and friends and have a wonderful time of making memories and fun. For Christmas I don't do a tree but we are going to go and cut fresh greenery and decorate the house with stars , candles, and angels. We will make cookies and invite friends to decorate them and them give them away.
I am thankful that I will be making memories with my daughter for years to come and that my family is blessed of the Lord.
I was blessed to be home and to see family and friends, yet I felt a little lacking. I was reading blogs about peoples wonderful holidays and wished that had been me. I wanted to have a tradition and a huge meal, and a family time that left me feeling warm and thankful. Now that I have a daughter I wanted to cook, to prepare, and to host friends and family. I want to be home to eat and mingle with friends and their children. So Steven and I decided that we are going to start our own family traditions at Thanksgiving. We will invite family and friends and have a wonderful time of making memories and fun. For Christmas I don't do a tree but we are going to go and cut fresh greenery and decorate the house with stars , candles, and angels. We will make cookies and invite friends to decorate them and them give them away.
I am thankful that I will be making memories with my daughter for years to come and that my family is blessed of the Lord.
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