February 14, 2010

A Shiloh Update

Just thought that I would update everyone on how our little princess is doing. She is now 17 mo old as of this week and sometimes I feel as though she is already 2yrs. She talks all the time and is saying so many words now. She can say "baby, hi, bye, apple, birds, see you, shoe, hat" and is trying to say "love you and her ABC's" She can sign more words than that to let you know what she wants and can also beg with the best. When her picture is on the computer or she goes to the mirror she says "Shiloh" and sometimes kisses her reflection. She helps me get her dressed and knows very well what bye bye means. She will say "bye" and then wave and blow kisses to you as you go. She runs super fast and loves to dance and sing. She loves to look at her books and try to tell you what they are saying. She is so energetic sometimes I am worn out before I even get to work after watching her. I love seeing how she is growing up. She is so amazing and everyday I learn something new about love and being a mom.

She is growing up so fastas you can see from the pictures below that her "baby" features are almost gone and my little girl has emerged.


Annette said...

Those are good pics. Give her a kiss from Grandma. I miss her so much.

Emily said...


This is Emily (Barger) Del Rosario. I use to dance at IHOP. I stumbled upon your blog, and I have to say God took me here. I am married now and living in Houston, Texas. I work full time and I loved reading about about how God is bringing your family into a new transition. I am learning that God often requires us to DIG DEEP through seasons of change because he knows where he wants to take us. Thanks for your writings. They have encouraged me so much!!

Bless you!