September 21, 2009

Almost Walking

Yesterday evening we went to the IHOP-KC 10 yr celebration picnic. It was a lot of fun and a whole lot of people. I love that we remember the picnic of the 7yr celebration and can see how the IHOP family has grown and how much we have changed. It was weird though pushing a stroller around instead of playing kickball or something like that. But I wouldn't trade it! While we were sitting around with friends and eating Shiloh was playing on a blanket in the grass. She stood up and took two steps to reach her daddy. Steven missed it because he had her back to him, but I saw it. It was precious. Her little waddle steps are just the beginning. I cannot believe that last 9/11 I was holding a 6lb baby in my arms that could barely keep her eyes open. Today I have a beautiful little girl that crawls, dances, squeals in delight, and is about to start cruising. It is intense. I love my little family !

PS don't worry Farrow Friends... Shiloh will be ready to see you!

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