September 21, 2009

Almost Walking

Yesterday evening we went to the IHOP-KC 10 yr celebration picnic. It was a lot of fun and a whole lot of people. I love that we remember the picnic of the 7yr celebration and can see how the IHOP family has grown and how much we have changed. It was weird though pushing a stroller around instead of playing kickball or something like that. But I wouldn't trade it! While we were sitting around with friends and eating Shiloh was playing on a blanket in the grass. She stood up and took two steps to reach her daddy. Steven missed it because he had her back to him, but I saw it. It was precious. Her little waddle steps are just the beginning. I cannot believe that last 9/11 I was holding a 6lb baby in my arms that could barely keep her eyes open. Today I have a beautiful little girl that crawls, dances, squeals in delight, and is about to start cruising. It is intense. I love my little family !

PS don't worry Farrow Friends... Shiloh will be ready to see you!

September 18, 2009

What A Whirlwind

So since last Thursday I have had multiple people in my home and I think that Shiloh is getting sick of it. First Steven's parents were in town for a few days, then my parents came in on their heels and left this last Tues. Mon-Wed I went to work and then Thurs morning a friend of our that is in from Israel came to stay with us till Sunday. I feel like my home has a revolving door. I don't mind, however I see some wear and tear on poor Shiloh. Every time anyone walks by her or bends down to talk to her she clams up, looks for me and just wines. I think that with everyone picking her up and getting in her face she has just had her limit. Of course there is the matter of the top front teeth trying to break through. They are coming slow, but coming none the less. Coming up Mon. the pass of our life should settle down. I will keep her home just to let her relax bit. Shiloh is a trooper though and as social as she is I think that there is a part of her that likes to be a loner to.

September 13, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Baby

It has been a long time, but so much has happened. First and the most important is that my daughter is now 1. She has left her infancy and entered the world of toddlerhood. She is jabbering and crawling everywhere. My in laws and parents are both in this weekend and we had a party last night. My camera ran out of memory early on so I will only post a few now and the others later.

We love all of you and thank you so much for loving on us this last year!

September 1, 2009

I Am Home

I thought that I would let all my blog readers know that I am home safely. I arrived yesterday and have been trying to catch up on my sleep. I got sick that last two days but still had to go 100% so needless to say I am absolutely exhausted. I am so glad to be back and to have my little girl back. It was so hard to leave her here. I missed you all and I will post soon.

Thank you for your love and prayers. They were felt.
