September 11, 2010

Remebering 9/11

This day brings so many emotions for our nation, for families, for loved ones who are alone today. On this day not so long ago a tragedy of horrendous proportions occurred and we will never be the same.You can ask just about anyone where they were on Sept. 11th 2001, and most people will know exactly where they were when the towers in New York were struck. For me I was in my nursing class, just settling in for a lecture when our clinical instructor ran in and turned on the TV. We were struck with awe and then watching the second plane hit, we were struck with fear. I honor the men and women of our country that have and are fighting for freedom. There are no words that are eloquent enough to thank our soldiers for their service and sacrifices for our country, but thank you from the depths of our hearts.
With all that goes on with memorial services for the fallen, dedications, and celebrations on this day, I am drawn to a different set of memories altogether. For me 9/11 has a story of redemption that has wiped away many tears and brought unsurpassed joy. On September 11th 2008, at 10:52 am in a small town, in an even smaller hospital my daughter was born.
On that day, 6 lbs 10 oz of glorious perfection ,wrapped in a white blanket with a little blue stripe running it's length was placed in my arms. With tears streaming down our faces we embraced our hearts long cry and caressed her new, soft skin. It was a moment that I will not forget for all of my days. I felt like I could float, yet it was difficult to breath. It seemed that time just stood still for us in that moment, looking into each others eyes with tears and laughter. The days, weeks, and months that followed were sweet as we grew together into a family. Love brought us all together and love binds us forever.

We had a birthday party last weekend for Shiloh with two of her other friends that also turned two. Man that was a lot of kids and a lot of stain stick. :-) They were so cute just running around playing together. So carefree, so confident, and so oblivious to the fact that it was their 2nd birthday. We had lots of yummy food and some sweet cupcakes for the kids. Shiloh was quite fond of the icing on the cupcake and would swipe the icing off of any unattended cupcakes that she found. Toys were plentiful and very generous. I think that my daughter owns everything Dora and more dress up pretty things that we know what to do with. She was so happy with opening her presents yet just a little dumb founded I think at why she was getting so many. After opening them up she quickly returned to the play set that had occupied her for most of the night. It was so fun to watch her roam about enjoying her freedom and the expanse of outdoor toys. (We all brought out door play things and set them around the yard) After the party, while the adults were cleaning up, the girls were plopped on the couch to sugar down while watching a movie. They looked like they were stoned as the sugar started to wear off. It was pretty funny. It was a great party and I was so thankful to share it with my friends and family.

The Detox

Today as I woke my little toddler, rather she woke me and I finally got up to go see her playing in her crib. I opened the door and there I was met with a beaming smile that I will never grow tired of. I said "good morning baby, it's your birthday". She said " Hi mommy" and started jumping up and down. She is such a happy and endearing baby. We sang Twinkle Twinkle and then I sang Happy Birthday to her. I told her that she was "2" and held up my fingers to match. She held up her hand, not able to separate her fingers. She grab two of her fingers and with a loud happy squeal said "TWOOOOOOO". We had pancakes for breakfast and a "Nummy, Nummy". After a fun morning with her friend Olivia she was ready for a nap. After waking in a very happy mood we watched a Dora movie that grandma gave her and then we headed to the park.

She is such a big girl on the playground going all over it without hesitation and down the slides every which way. There was a small little bridge that we went over several times as she proclaimed that it was a "Tro Bridge" (Troll Bridge is off of Dora). Then we ran some errand and made it back home for some yummy dinner and a bath. Now snug in her bed, drifting off to sleep I find myself wishing that I could rewind this day and replay if over and over.

My little baby is growing up so fast and I wish that I could push the pause button for just a moment. I love watching her discover new things, learn new words, and explore new surroundings, but I miss holding my little tiny baby. Singing her softly to sleep and then lingering in the rocking chair praying over her. She isn't tiny anymore and now she just wants to get down from my embrace and go go go. I love her so much, sometimes I think that I would burst. I am so thankful to God for making a way when there seemed to be no way. For calling people to give to us in our adoption process. For keeping Shiloh healthy and safe till she was in my arms. And for keeping her safe and growing her in my home. I am so thankful for so many things as I look at my sleeping angel. Thank you Jesus, thank you!

My little beauty.


Debi said... that last, she looks SO grown up!!!! Oh my more little baby face! I can't believe she's two! Wow - we must see you soon!!! Happy Birthday Shiloh...we love you!

Kristi said...

What a precious post! Happy birthday Shiloh! We love you! And I think I recognize the shirt on the last pic =)