September 16, 2012

Drum Roll Please....

So most of our friends and family know but just in case you haven't heard....


We are super excited about our little one coming and she will be here sometime around October 25th... so less than 6 weeks! Adoption is one of those things where you are going along waiting and then all of a sudden you get the call and bamm...well a little more is involved then that. :0)

We are not home free yet though and here are some ways you can help:

1) PRAY!! We still need prayers headed up on account of finances and legal issues. There are two potential birth fathers. One is for the adoption and the other is not. I am praying for God to sway hearts and settle everything before we get to court. We honestly don't have the resources to fight in court.

2) Finances, adoption is costly and we are not exactly sure how much it will all cost in the end. If you want to make a tax deductible donation email me at

3) Pray for our little birth mother. She is going to go through one of the most emotional and stressful events of life. She is very sweet, but understands that she isn't ready for a baby.

4) If you like to shop on can help our adoption! Anytime that you buy through our link at the top left hand of this blog we will get proceeds that will go to our adoption. Just save this blog on your favorites list, and when you need something off just go through us!!!!