September 23, 2008

Shiloh's Modeling Debut

We had Nick Loux, our consultant and friend's son come and take some pictures of Shiloh. Nick is phenomenal in his photography skills. One day we are going to see his work in prominent magazines for sure. I am so proud because I know that my teaching him in biology somehow helped to propelled him in that field. J.K. ;-) I love Nick he is simple phenomenal!! Here's a little preview of the pictures and our new decor scheme.
Isn't she beautiful!!!!!!
WOW I still can't believe it!


V and C said...

She is adorable!! Glad you guys are home!

Stephanie said...

She is beautiful!!

Kristi said...

She is so very beautiful!

Our Family said...

Hi, I some how landed on your blog and I had a question for you. I noticed you had a silent auction for your adoption. We are looking to do the same thing. However, when you organzied your silent auction who did people write their checks to? I would appreciate any help or suggesstions! THanks!!


Tracie said...

I have your photos on a disk. I'll get them to you via my mom.