November 6, 2008

Shiloh Is Almost Two Months Old

Well time is flying by and in the chaos of our nations newly elected government, financial crisis, and now winter is upon us, it would be easy to let precious moments in Shiloh's young life slip by. I cannot believe that in February we were all dressed up at our adoption fundraiser dinning and crying over our little one to come into our home. We received letters and donations from all over the place even out of country support. We were blessed beyond words and truly learned a huge lesson in God's economy of things. I loved getting emails or new blog comments about people reading about Shiloh (once we found out who she would be) thanking us for what we were doing and praying for our little one to be healthy and safe. Now as we are approaching her two month birthday I stand in awe of God's overwhelming love for both her and us. She is ours and we are hers and together we our HIS.

Today at IHOP as I was changing Shiloh's diaper I was reintroduced to one such fan and I was so blessed that after all her prayers and love she was getting to behold Shiloh in the flesh. Judy is a friends mother and has been with us from the beginning of our story. With love, prayers, and support she has watched our story unfold and today I felt proud and humbled to introduce her to my daughter, Shiloh Abigail Cooper.

I have learned so much from Shiloh of God's redemption, His mercy and love. He is so faithful and His faithfulness will be her comfort as she grows up. She wakes up so happy in the morning and I try to take the opportunity to read the scriptures to her while she is alert and listening. We read Esther this morning and as I was explaining it to Shiloh I said..." We are going to read a story about a beautiful young girl who was adopted and through love and intercession saved a nation." My heart quivered as Esther's story is Shiloh's in a way. She is very beautiful and through the love of God I pray that she will intercede for this nation and the nations of the earth to see God's glory cover the earth. Esther had to come to grips with her situation and put aside personal desires for the greater cause of her people. LIFE. They were scheduled to be murdered throughout the land. Through fasting, prayer, and intercession (going before the king) Esther saved her people. I pray that Shiloh will have that same anointing upon her life.

I promise updated pictures soon. We have many, I just don't get to sit down and type often lately. Thanks for you love and support!


Kristi said...

What a beautiful parallel between Shiloh and Esther! She must be growing more beautiful all the time!

Annette said...

After reading yesterdays entry I now think that on the video clip Steven was teaching Shiloh to pray and/or praise, if not sing.

Stephanie said...

I got teary-eyed again ; ) That was definitely a beautiful parallel between Shiloh & Esther!